

  • Platforms

  • Programming Languages

  • Front-End Development

  • Back-End Development

  • Computer Science

  • Big Data

  • Theory

  • Books

  • Editors

  • Gaming

  • Development Environment

  • Entertainment

  • Databases

  • Media

  • Learn

  • Security

  • Content Management Systems

  • Hardware

  • Business

  • Work

  • Networking

  • Decentralized Systems

  • Higher Education

  • Events

  • Testing

  • Miscellaneous

  • Related


  • Node.js - Async non-blocking event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

  • iOS - Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.

  • Android - Mobile operating system developed by Google.

  • Electron - Cross-platform native desktop apps using JavaScript/HTML/CSS.

  • Cordova - JavaScript API for hybrid apps.

  • React Native - JavaScript framework for writing natively rendering mobile apps for iOS and Android.

  • Xamarin - Mobile app development IDE, testing, and distribution.

  • Linux

    • eBPF - Virtual machine that allows you to write more efficient and powerful tracing and monitoring for Linux systems.

    • Arch-based Projects - Linux distributions and projects based on Arch Linux.

    • AppImage - Package apps in a single file that works on various mainstream Linux distributions.

  • macOS - Operating system for Apple's Mac computers.

  • watchOS - Operating system for the Apple Watch.

  • IPFS - P2P hypermedia protocol.

  • Fuse - Mobile development tools.

  • Heroku - Cloud platform as a service.

  • Raspberry Pi - Credit card-sized computer aimed at teaching kids programming, but capable of a lot more.

  • Qt - Cross-platform GUI app framework.

  • WebExtensions - Cross-browser extension system.

  • RubyMotion - Write cross-platform native apps for iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS in Ruby.

  • Smart TV - Create apps for different TV platforms.

  • GNOME - Simple and distraction-free desktop environment for Linux.

  • KDE - A free software community dedicated to creating an open and user-friendly computing experience.

  • .NET

    • Roslyn - Open-source compilers and code analysis APIs for C# and VB.NET languages.

  • Amazon Alexa - Virtual home assistant.

  • DigitalOcean - Cloud computing platform designed for developers.

  • Flutter - Google's mobile SDK for building native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase written in Dart.

  • Home Assistant - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.

  • IBM Cloud - Cloud platform for developers and companies.

  • Firebase - App development platform built on Google Cloud Platform.

  • Robot Operating System 2.0 - Set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot apps.

  • Adafruit IO - Visualize and store data from any device.

  • Cloudflare - CDN, DNS, DDoS protection, and security for your site.

  • Actions on Google - Developer platform for Google Assistant.

  • ESP - Low-cost microcontrollers with WiFi and broad IoT applications.

  • Deno - A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.

  • DOS - Operating system for x86-based personal computers that was popular during the 1980s and early 1990s.

  • Nix - Package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that makes package management reliable and reproducible.

  • Integration - Linking together different IT systems (components) to functionally cooperate as a whole.

Programming Languages

Front-End Development

Back-End Development

Computer Science

Big Data

  • Hadoop - Framework for distributed storage and processing of very large data sets.

  • Apache Spark - Unified engine for large-scale data processing.

  • Qlik - Business intelligence platform for data visualization, analytics, and reporting apps.

  • Splunk - Platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing structured and unstructured machine-generated big data in real-time.





Development Environment



  • MongoDB - NoSQL database.

  • TinkerPop - Graph computing framework.

  • PostgreSQL - Object-relational database.

  • CouchDB - Document-oriented NoSQL database.

  • HBase - Distributed, scalable, big data store.

  • NoSQL Guides - Help on using non-relational, distributed, open-source, and horizontally scalable databases.

  • Contexture - Abstracts queries/filters and results/aggregations from different backing data stores like ElasticSearch and MongoDB.

  • Database Tools - Everything that makes working with databases easier.

  • TypeDB - Logical database to organize large and complex networks of data as one body of knowledge.

  • Cassandra - Open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system.




Content Management Systems

  • Refinery CMS - Ruby on Rails CMS.

  • Wagtail - Django CMS focused on flexibility and user experience.

  • Textpattern - Lightweight PHP-based CMS.

  • Drupal - Extensible PHP-based CMS.

  • Craft CMS - Content-first CMS.

  • Sitecore - .NET digital marketing platform that combines CMS with tools for managing multiple websites.

  • Silverstripe CMS - PHP MVC framework that serves as a classic or headless CMS.





Decentralized Systems

  • Bitcoin - Bitcoin services and tools for software developers.

  • Ripple - Open source distributed settlement network.

  • Non-Financial Blockchain - Non-financial blockchain applications.

  • Mastodon - Open source decentralized microblogging network.

  • Ethereum - Distributed computing platform for smart contract development.

  • Blockchain AI - Blockchain projects for artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  • EOSIO - A decentralized operating system supporting industrial-scale apps.

  • Corda - Open source blockchain platform designed for business.

  • Waves - Open source blockchain platform and development toolset for Web 3.0 apps and decentralized solutions.

  • Substrate - Framework for writing scalable, upgradeable blockchains in Rust.

  • Golem - Open source peer-to-peer marketplace for computing resources.

  • Stacks - A smart contract platform secured by Bitcoin.

Higher Education

  • Computational Neuroscience - A multidisciplinary science which uses computational approaches to study the nervous system.

  • Digital History - Computer-aided scientific investigation of history.

  • Scientific Writing - Distraction-free scientific writing with Markdown, reStructuredText and Jupyter notebooks.



  • Testing - Software testing.

  • Visual Regression Testing - Ensures changes did not break the functionality or style.

  • Selenium - Open-source browser automation framework and ecosystem.

  • Appium - Test automation tool for apps.

  • TAP - Test Anything Protocol.

  • JMeter - Load testing and performance measurement tool.

  • k6 - Open-source, developer-centric performance monitoring and load testing solution.

  • Playwright - Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.

  • Quality Assurance Roadmap - How to start & build a career in software testing.


Last updated