Slack Announcements

Happy Friday @channel and welcome to the job search! I’m your careers staff lead and dedicated partner during the first month of your job search :handshake: @channelOn Monday (10/18) at 10am PST/1pm EST we will be getting together to quickly cover your first month in the job search, the tools you should be using, your game plan for the week of the 18th, and most importantly showing you HOW EASY it is to have a Customized Outreach Message created to assist your job applications! :easy:**Your Job Search Bootcamp won't begin till October 25th **but in the meantime I will work with each of your 1:1 to give you a head start on your job search :greenlight:For those of you that won’t be able to join us, I will be sharing a recording of the session after the live kickoff concludes :thumbsup:**What you need to do today/this weekend: **:memo:

Looking forward to working with you! If you have any questions feel free to DM me or drop them in the :threadpls:!You will receive a direct message from me shortly as well :direct-message:

  1. Take another look, if you haven't already, at Getting Started in Your Job Search guide :book:

  2. Fill out the Job Search Intent Form if you haven’t already done so :white_check_mark:

  3. Come prepared for Monday's kickoff session with :three: job opportunities you want a custom outreach plan created for (Make sure you have applied to them first and uploaded them to your Job Tracker)

Last updated