Copy of Index.tsx

  • This is a full-width component.

  • It includes a visual, a title, a description, a CTA button and a background.

  • A title is required

  • Text that exceeds the available content space will be truncated.

  • The visual is required. An icon or image may be used as the supporting visual.

  • The height for the banner should be determined by the height of the content plus the top and bottom spacing. Therefore, banners including icons and images will vary in height.

  • On desktop, the max height of the banner with an icon is 140px. The max height of the banner with an image is 170px on desktop.

  • On mobile, the max height of the banner with an icon is 296px. The max height of the banner with an image is 324px on mobile.

  • The description and CTA button are optional.

  • The content area should be centered horizontally when when the CTA is not displayed.

  • There are predefined background options.

import { Text } from "@sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-react";
import React from "react";
import LazyImage from "src/components/LazyImage";
import { NewsBannerProps } from "./types";
import RichText from "src/components/RichText";
import Button from "src/components/Button";

const NewsBanner = ({
}: NewsBannerProps) => {
  const ctaExists = cta?.href && cta?.text;

  const iconRounded = rounded ? "rounded-full" : "";

  const iconSize = icon?.value?.src?.includes(".svg")
    ? "icon-48 sm:icon-76"
    : "icon-76 sm:icon-122";

  return (
    <section className={`px-16 md:px-24 py-24 md:py-32  ${bgColorClass}`}>
        className={`lg:flex-row container-3xl lg:space-x-32 flex flex-col items-center lg:justify-center text-center lg:text-left`}
        <div className={` py-24 lg:px-24  flex-shrink-0 }`}>
            className={`mx-auto lg:mx-0 w-full ${iconSize} ${iconRounded}`}
          <Text className="text-xl" field={title} tag="h3" />
          <RichText className="mt-10 lg:line-clamp-3" field={body} tag="p" />
        <div className="flex-shrink-0 mt-12 md:mt-16 lg:mt-0">
          {ctaExists && (
              className="flex-shrink-0 block mt-16 lg:mt-0 lg:ml-24 xl:ml-32"
export default NewsBanner;

Last updated