Pinned Messages:

  • They make you sign a contract and there is a penalty if you leave - we encourage ‘at-will employment’!

  • They take a portion of your income during the contract period.

  • I don’t have a GCA score. How do I take the GCA?

Use this link to sign-up with your lambda school email. You’ll receive results via email after you complete the test and results are forwarded to Lambda.Regardless of your score, you’ll continue to get all the support you’ve received in the job search. Please note that while you’ll also continue to see partner opportunities in job board, only students with GCA scores will move forward. Seeing opportunities in job board keeps you aware of hiring partners, and hopefully encourages you to take the assessment. If you do not receive a 650+ score the first time, you can retry the assessment every 2 weeks. This test can be taken multiple times.

  • I previously took the CodeSignal GCA and scored below 650.

No worries! Study up and retake the assessment if it has been longer than 2 weeks.

  • **I’ve taken the CodeSignal GCA and scored 650+. **

As long as your student profile is complete, and your score has been reported to Lambda, you’ll continue to have access to hiring partner opportunities. If you’re up for it, retake the test to see if you score higher.

  • **I don’t want to take CodeSignal GCA. **

You don’t have to! Work with your careers staff member to find external opportunities. Hiring partner opportunities are meant to supplement your job search. There are many opportunities out there that don’t require a GCA score.

  • I don’t know my GCA score.

Last updated