DS_ALGO Practice:
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* Today we're gonna learn all about data structures.
* "OOooooOOOooh *soo* exciting" right?
* Yeah, they definitely aren't the juiciest topic out there, but they are
* important. Not just to pass computer science 101, but in order to be a
* better programmer.
* Knowing your data structures can help you:
* - Manage complexity and make your programs easier to follow.
* - Build high-performance, memory-efficient programs.
* I believe that the former is more important. Using the right
* data structure can drastically simplify what would otherwise
* be complicated logic.
* The latter is important too. If performance or memory matters then
* using the right data structure is more than often essential.
* In order to learn about data structures, we're going to implement a few of
* them together. Don't worry, we'll keep the code nice and short. In fact,
* there are way more comments than there is code.
* ============================================================================
* ,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'
* ============================================================================
* What are data structures?
* Essentially, they are different methods of storing and organizing data that
* serve a number of different needs.
* Data can always be represented in many different ways. However, depending on
* what that data is and what you need to do with it, one representation will
* be a better choice than the others.
* To understand why let's first talk a bit about algorithms.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* *
* ,--,--. ,--,--. *
* ,----------. | | | | | | _____ *
* |`----------'| | | | | | | | | ,------. *
* | | | | | | | | ,--. | o o | |`------'| *
* | | ,| +-|-+ | | +-|-+ |` | | |_____| | | *
* | | ,:==| | |###|======|###| | |====#==#====#=,, | | *
* | | || `| +---+ | | +---+ |' ,,=#==#====O=`` ,| | *
* | | || | | | | | | ``=#==#====#=====|| | *
* `----------' || | | | | | | |__| `| | *
* | | ``=| |===`` `--,',--` `--,',--` /||\ `------' *
** \_/ \_/ / / \ \ / / \ \ //||\\ |_| |_| **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* Algorithm is a fancy name for step-by-step sets of operations to be
* performed.
* Data structures are implemented with algorithms, and algorithms are
* implemented with data structures. It's data structures and algorithms all
* the way down until you reach the microscopic people with punch cards that
* control the computer. (That's how computers work right?)
* Any given task can be implemented in an infinite number of ways. So for
* common tasks there are often many different algorithms that people have come up
* with.
* For example, there are an absurd number of algorithms for sorting a set of
* unordered items:
* Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort, Heap Sort,
* Quick Sort, Shell Sort, Timsort, Bucket Sort, Radix Sort, ...
* Some of these are significantly faster than others. Some use less memory.
* Some are easy to implement. Some are based on assumptions about the dataset.
* Every single one of them will be better for *something*. So you'll need to
* make a decision based on what your needs are and for that, you'll need a way
* of comparing them, a way to measure them.
* When we compare the performance of algorithms we use a rough measurement of
* their average and worst-case performance using something called "Big-O".
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - BIG-O NOTATION ------------------------------------------------------ **
* ========================================================================= *
* a b d *
* a b O(N^2) d *
* O(N!) a b O(N log N) d c *
* a b d c *
* a b d c O(N) *
* a b d c *
* a b d c *
* a b d c *
* ab c O(1) *
* e e e e ec d e e e e e e e e *
* ba c d *
* ba c d f f f f f f f *
** cadf f d f f f f f O(log N) **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* Big-O Notation is a way of roughly measuring the performance of algorithms
* in order to compare one against another when discussing them.
* Big-O is a mathematical notation that we borrowed in computer science to
* classify algorithms by how they respond to the number (N) of items that you
* give them.
* There are two primary things that you measure with Big-O:
* - **Time complexity** refers to the total count of operations an algorithm
* will perform given a set of items.
* - **Space complexity** refers to the total memory an algorithm will take up
* while running given a set of items.
* We measure these independently from one another because while an algorithm
* may perform fewer operations than another, it may also take up way more
* memory. Depending on what your requirements are, one may be a better choice
* than the other.
* These are some common Big-O's:
* Name Notation How you feel when they show up at your party
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constant O(1) AWESOME!!
* Logarithmic O(log N) GREAT!
* Linear O(N) OKAY.
* Linearithmic O(N log N) UGH...
* Polynomial O(N ^ 2) SHITTY
* Exponential O(2 ^ N) HORRIBLE
* Factorial O(N!) WTF
* To give you an idea of how many operations we're talking about. Let's look
* at what these would equal given the (N) number of items.
* N = 5 10 20 30
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* O(1) 1 1 1 1
* O(log N) 2.3219... 3.3219... 4.3219... 4.9068...
* O(N) 5 10 20 30
* O(N log N) 11.609... 33.219... 84.638... 147.204...
* O(N ^ 2) 25 100 400 900
* O(2 ^ N) 32 1024 1,048,576 1,073,741,824
* O(N!) 120 3,628,800 2,432,902,0... 265,252,859,812,191,058,636,308,480,000,000
* As you can see, even for relatively small sets of data you could do
* a **lot** of extra work.
* With data structures, you can perform 4 primary types of actions:
* Accessing, Searching, Inserting, and Deleting.
* It is important to note that data structures may be good at one action but
* bad at another.
* Accessing Searching Inserting Deleting
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Array O(1) O(N) O(N) O(N)
* Linked List O(N) O(N) O(1) O(1)
* Binary Search Tree O(log N) O(log N) O(log N) O(log N)
* Or rather...
* Accessing Searching Inserting Deleting
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Binary Search Tree GREAT! GREAT! GREAT! GREAT!
* Even further, some actions will have a different "average" performance and a
* "worst case scenario" performance.
* There is no perfect data structure, and you choose one over another based on
* the data that you are working with and the things you are going to do with
* it. This is why it is important to know a number of different common data
* structures so that you can choose from them.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - MEMORY -------------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* _.-.. *
* ,'9 )\)`-.,.--. *
* `-.| `. *
* \, , \) *
* `. )._\ (\ *
* |// `-,// *
* ]|| //" *
** hjw "" "" **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* A computer's memory is pretty boring, it's just a bunch of ordered slots
* where you can store information. You hold onto memory addresses in order to
* find information.
* Let's imagine a chunk of memory like this:
* Values: |1001|0110|1000|0100|0101|1010|0010|0001|1101|1011...
* Addresses: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
* If you've ever wondered why things are zero-indexed in programming languages
* before, it is because of the way that memory works. If you want to read the
* first chunk of memory you read from 0 to 1, the second you read from 1 to 2.
* So the address that you hold onto for each of those is 0 and 1 respectively.
* Your computer has much much more memory than this, and it is all just a
* continuation of the pattern above.
* Memory is a bit like the wild west, every program running on your machine is
* stored within this same *physical* data structure. Without layers of
* abstraction over it, it would be extremely difficult to use.
* But these abstractions serve two additional purposes:
* - Storing data in memory in a way that is more efficient and/or faster to
* work with.
* - Storing data in memory in a way that makes it easier to use.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - LISTS --------------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* * _______________________ *
* ()=(_______________________)=() * *
* * | | *
* | ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | * * *
* * | | *
* * | ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | * *
* | | *
* | ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | * *
* * | | *
* * |_____________________| * * *
* ()=(_______________________)=() *
** **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* To demonstrate the raw interaction between memory and a data structure we're
* going to first implement a list.
* A list is a representation of an ordered sequence of values where the same
* value may appear many times.
class List {
* We start with an empty block of memory which we are going to represent
* with a normal JavaScript array and we'll store the length of the list.
* Note that we want to store the length separately because in real life the
* "memory" doesn't have a length you can read from.
constructor() {
this.memory = [];
this.length = 0;
* First we need a way to retrieve data from our list.
* With a plain list, you have very fast memory access because you keep track
* of the address directly.
* List access is constant O(1) - "AWESOME!!"
get(address) {
return this.memory[address];
* Because lists have an order you can insert stuff at the start, middle,
* or end of them.
* For our implementation, we're going to focus on adding and removing values
* at the start or end of our list with these four methods:
* - Push - Add value to the end
* - Pop - Remove a value from the end
* - Unshift - Add value to the start
* - Shift - Remove a value from the start
* Starting with "push" we need a way to add items to the end of the list.
* It is as simple as adding a value in the address after the end of our
* list. Because we store the length this is easy to calculate. We just add
* the value and increment our length.
* Pushing an item to the end of a list is constant O(1) - "AWESOME!!"
push(value) {
this.memory[this.length] = value;
* Next we need a way to "pop" items off of the end of our list.
* Similar to push all we need to do is remove the value at the address at
* the end of our list. Then just decrement length.
* Popping an item from the end of a list is constant O(1) - "AWESOME!!"
pop() {
// Don't do anything if we don't have any items.
if (this.length === 0) return;
// Get the last value, stop storing it, and return it.
let lastAddress = this.length - 1;
let value = this.memory[lastAddress];
delete this.memory[lastAddress];
// Also return the value so it can be used.
return value;
* "push" and "pop" both operate on the end of a list, and overall are pretty
* simple operations because they don't need to be concerned with the rest of
* the list.
* Let's see what happens when we operate at the beginning of the list with
* "unshift" and "shift".
* In order to add a new item at the beginning of our list, we need to make
* room for our value at the start by sliding all of the values over by one.
* [a, b, c, d, e]
* 0 1 2 3 4
* ⬊ ⬊ ⬊ ⬊ ⬊
* 1 2 3 4 5
* [x, a, b, c, d, e]
* In order to slide all of the items over we need to iterate over each one
* moving the prev value over.
* Because we have to iterate over every single item in the list:
* Unshifting an item to the start of a list is linear O(N) - "OKAY."
unshift(value) {
// Store the value we are going to add to the start.
let previous = value;
// Iterate through each item...
for (let address = 0; address < this.length; address++) {
// replacing the "current" value with the "previous" value and storing the
// "current" value for the next iteration.
let current = this.memory[address];
this.memory[address] = previous;
previous = current;
// Add the last item in a new position at the end of the list.
this.memory[this.length] = previous;
* Finally, we need to write a shift function to move in the opposite
* direction.
* We delete the first value and then slide through every single item in the
* list to move it down one address.
* [x, a, b, c, d, e]
* 1 2 3 4 5
* ⬋ ⬋ ⬋ ⬋ ⬋
* 0 1 2 3 4
* [a, b, c, d, e]
* Shifting an item from the start of a list is linear O(N) - "OKAY."
shift() {
// Don't do anything if we don't have any items.
if (this.length === 0) return;
let value = this.memory[0];
// Iterate through each item...
for (let address = 0; address < this.length - 1; address++) {
// and replace them with the next item in the list.
this.memory[address] = this.memory[address + 1];
// Delete the last item since it is now in the previous address.
delete this.memory[this.length - 1];
return value;
* Lists are great for fast access and dealing with items at the end. However,
* as we've seen it isn't great at dealing with items not at the end of the
* list and we have to manually hold onto memory addresses.
* So let's take a look at a different data structure and how it deals with
* adding, accessing, and removing values without needing to know memory
* addresses.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - HASH TABLES --------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* ((\ *
* ( _ ,-_ \ \ *
* ) / \/ \ \ \ \ *
* ( /)| \/\ \ \| | .'---------------------'. *
* `~()_______)___)\ \ \ \ \ | .' '. *
* |)\ ) `' | | | .'-----------------------------'. *
* / /, | '...............................' *
* ejm | | / \ _____________________ / *
* \ / | |_) (_| | *
* \ / | | | | *
* ) / | | | | *
** / / (___) (___) **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* A hash table is a data structure that's *unordered*. Instead we have "keys" and "values" where we
* computed an address in memory using the key.
* The basic idea is that we have keys that are "hashable" (which we'll get to
* in a second) and can be used to add, access, and remove from memory very
* efficiently.
* var hashTable = new HashTable();
* hashTable.set('myKey', 'myValue');
* hashTable.get('myKey'); // >> 'myValue'
class HashTable {
* Again we're going to use a plain JavaScript array to represent our memory.
constructor() {
this.memory = [];
* In order to store key-value pairs in memory from our hash table we need a
* way to take the key and turn it into an address. We do this through an
* operation known as "hashing".
* Basically it takes a key and serializes it into a unique number for that
* key.
* hashKey("abc") => 96354
* hashKey("xyz") => 119193
* You have to be careful though, if you had a really big key you don't want
* to match it to a memory address that does not exist.
* So the hashing algorithm needs to limit the size, which means that there
* are a limited number of addresses for an unlimited number of values.
* The result is that you can end up with collisions. Places where two keys
* get turned into the same address.
* Any real-world hash table implementation would have to deal with this,
* however, we are just going to glaze over it and pretend that doesn't happen.
* Let's set up our "hashKey" function.
* Don't worry about understanding the logic of this function, just know that
* it accepts a string and outputs a (mostly) unique address that we will use
* in all of our other functions.
hashKey(key) {
let hash = 0;
for (let index = 0; index < key.length; index++) {
// Oh look– magic.
let code = key.charCodeAt(index);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash + code) | 0;
return hash;
* Next, let's define our "get" function so we have a way of accessing values
* by their key.
* HashTable access is constant O(1) - "AWESOME!!"
get(key) {
// We start by turning our key into an address.
let address = this.hashKey(key);
// Then we simply return whatever is at that address.
return this.memory[address];
* We also need a way of adding data before we access it, so we will create
* a "set" function that inserts values.
* HashTable setting is constant O(1) - "AWESOME!!"
set(key, value) {
// Again we start by turning the key into an address.
let address = this.hashKey(key);
// Then just set the value at that address.
this.memory[address] = value;
* Finally we just need a way to remove items from our hash table.
* HashTable deletion is constant O(1) - "AWESOME!!"
remove(key) {
// As always, we hash the key to get an address.
let address = this.hashKey(key);
// Then, if it exists, we `delete` it.
if (this.memory[address]) {
delete this.memory[address];
* ============================================================================
* ,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'
* ============================================================================
* From this point going forward we are going to stop interacting directly with
* memory as the rest of these data structures start to be implemented with
* other data structures.
* These data structures focus on doing two things:
* - Organizing data based on how it is used
* - Abstracting away implementation details
* These data structures focus on creating an organization that makes sense for
* various types of programs. They insert a language that allows you to discuss
* more complicated logic. All of this while abstracting away implementation
* details so that their implementation can change to be made faster.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - STACKS -------------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* _ . - - -- .. _ *
* |||| .-' /```\ `'-_ /| *
* |||| ( /`` \___/ ```\ ) | | *
* \__/ |`"-//..__ __..\\-"`| | | *
* || |`"||...__`````__...||"`| | | *
* || |`"||...__`````__...||"`| \ | *
* || _,.--|`"||...__`````__...||"`|--.,_ || *
* || .'` |`"||...__`````__...||"`| `'. || *
* || '. `/ |...__`````__...| \ .' || *
* || `'-..__ `` ````` `` __..-'` || *
* `""---,,,_______,,,---""` *
** **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* Stacks are similar to lists in that they have an order, but they limit you
* to only pushing and popping values at the end of the list, which as we saw
* before are very fast operations when mapping directly to memory.
* However, Stacks can also be implemented with other data structures in order
* to add functionality to them.
* The most common usage of the stacks is in the places where you have one process adding
* items to the stack and another process removing them from the end–
* prioritizing items added most recently.
class Stack {
* We're going to again be backed by a JavaScript array, but this time it
* represents a list like we implemented before rather than memory.
constructor() {
this.list = [];
this.length = 0;
* We're going to implement two of the functions from list's "push" and "pop"
* which are going to be identical in terms of functionality.
* Push to add items to the top of the stack.
push(value) {
* And pop to remove items from the top of the stack.
pop() {
// Don't do anything if we don't have any items.
if (this.length === 0) return;
// Pop the last item off the end of the list and return the value.
return this.list.pop();
* We're also going to add a function in order to view the item at the top of
* the stack without removing it from the stack.
peek() {
// Return the last item in "items" without removing it.
return this.list[this.length - 1];
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - QUEUES -------------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* /:""| ,@@@@@@. *
* |: oo|_ ,@@@@@`oo *
* C _) @@@@C _) *
* ) / "@@@@ '= *
* /`\\ ```)/ *
* || | | /`\\ *
* || | | || | \ *
* ||_| | || | / *
* \( ) | ||_| | *
* |~~~`-`~~~| |))) | *
* (_) | | (_) |~~~/ (_) *
* | |`""....__ __....""`| |`""...._|| / __....""`| | *
* | |`""....__`````__....""`| |`""....__`````__....""`| | *
* | | | ||``` | | ||`|`` | | *
* | | |_||__ | | ||_|__ | | *
* ,| |, jgs (____)) ,| |, ((;:;:) ,| |, *
** `---` `---` `---` **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* Next, we're going to build a queue which is complementary to stacks. The
* difference is that this time you remove items from the start of the queue
* rather than the end. Removing the oldest items rather than the most recent.
* Again, because this limits the amount of functionality, there are many
* different ways of implementing it. A good way might be to use a linked list
* which we will see later.
class Queue {
* Again, our queue is using a JavaScript array as a list rather than memory.
constructor() {
this.list = [];
this.length = 0;
* Similar to stacks we're going to define two functions for adding and
* removing items from the queue. The first is "enqueue".
* This will push values to the end of the list.
enqueue(value) {
* Next is "dequeue", instead of removing the item from the end of the list,
* we're going to remove it from the start.
dequeue() {
// Don't do anything if we don't have any items.
if (this.length === 0) return;
// Shift the first item off the start of the list and return the value.
return this.list.shift();
* Same as stacks we're going to define a "peek" function for getting the next
* value without removing it from the queue.
peek() {
return this.list[0];
* The important thing to note here is that because we used a list to back our
* queue it inherits the performance of "shift" which is linear O(N) "OKAY."
* Later we'll see linked lists that will allow us to implement a much faster
* Queue.
* ============================================================================
* ,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'
* ============================================================================
* From this point forward we're going to start dealing with data structures
* where the values of the data structure reference one another.
* +- Data Structure ---------------------------------------+
* | +- Item A ---------------+ +- Item B ---------------+ |
* | | Value: 1 | | Value: 2 | |
* | | Reference to: (Item B) | | Reference to: (Item A) | |
* | +------------------------+ +------------------------+ |
* +--------------------------------------------------------+
* The values inside the data structure become their own mini data structures
* in that they contain a value along with additional information including
* references to other items within the overall data structure.
* You'll see what I mean by this in a second.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - GRAPHS -------------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* *
* | +-+ *
* | +-+ |-| [^] - GIVE YOU UP *
* | |^| |-| +-+ [-] - LET YOU DOWN *
* | |^| |-| +-+ |*| [/] - RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU *
* | |^| |-| +-+ |\| |*| [\] - MAKE YOU CRY *
* | |^| |-| |/| |\| +-+ |*| [.] - SAY GOODBYE *
* | |^| |-| |/| |\| |.| |*| [*] - TELL A LIE AND HURT YOU *
* | |^| |-| |/| |\| |.| |*| *
* +-------------------------------- *
** **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* Contrary to the ascii art above, a graph is not a visual chart of some sort.
* Instead imagine it like this:
* A –→ B ←–––– C → D ↔ E
* ↑ ↕ ↙ ↑ ↘
* F –→ G → H ← I ––––→ J
* ↓ ↘ ↑
* K L
* We have a bunch of "nodes" (A, B, C, D, ...) that are connected with lines.
* These nodes are going to look like this:
* Node {
* value: ...,
* lines: [(Node), (Node), ...]
* }
* The entire graph will look like this:
* Graph {
* nodes: [
* Node {...},
* Node {...},
* ...
* ]
* }
class Graph {
* We'll hold onto all of our nodes in a regular JavaScript array. Not
* because there is any particular order to the nodes but because we need a
* way to store references to everything.
constructor() {
this.nodes = [];
* We can start to add values to our graph by creating nodes without any
* lines.
addNode(value) {
return this.nodes.push({
lines: [],
* Next we need to be able to lookup nodes in the graph. Most of the time
* you'd have another data structure on top of a graph in order to make
* searching faster.
* But for our case, we're simply going to search through all of the nodes to find
* the one with the matching value. This is a slower option, but it works for
* now.
find(value) {
return this.nodes.find((node) => {
return node.value === value;
* Next we can connect two nodes by making a "line" from one to the other.
addLine(startValue, endValue) {
// Find the nodes for each value.
let startNode = this.find(startValue);
let endNode = this.find(endValue);
// Freak out if we didn't find one or the other.
if (!startNode || !endNode) {
throw new Error("Both nodes need to exist");
// And add a reference to the endNode from the startNode.
* Finally you can use a graph like this:
* var graph = new Graph();
* graph.addNode(1);
* graph.addNode(2);
* graph.addLine(1, 2);
* var two = graph.find(1).lines[0];
* This might seem like a lot of work to do very little, but it's actually a
* quite powerful pattern, especially for finding sanity in complex programs.
* They do this by optimizing for the connections between data rather than
* operating on the data itself. Once you have one node in the graph, it's
* extremely simple to find all the related items in the graph.
* Tons of things can be represented this way, users with friends, the 800
* transitive dependencies in a node_modules folder, the internet itself is a
* graph of webpages connected together by links.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - LINKED LISTS -------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* _______________________ *
* ()=(_______________________)=() ,-----------------,_ *
* | | ," ", *
* | ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ,' ,---------------, `, *
* | ,----------------------------, ,----------- *
* | ~ ~~~~~~~~ | | | *
* | `----------------------------' `----------- *
* | ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | `, `----------------' ,' *
* | | `, ,' *
* |_____________________| `------------------' *
* ()=(_______________________)=() *
** **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* Next we're going to see how a graph-like structure can help optimize ordered
* lists of data.
* Linked lists are a very common data structure that is often used to
* implement other data structures because of its ability to efficiently add
* items to the start, middle, and end.
* The basic idea of a linked list is similar to a graph. You have nodes that
* point to other nodes. They look sorta like this:
* 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
* Visualizing them as a JSON-like structure looks like this:
* {
* value: 1,
* next: {
* value: 2,
* next: {
* value: 3,
* next: {...}
* }
* }
* }
class LinkedList {
* Unlike a graph, a linked list has a single node that starts off the entire
* chain. This is known as the "head" of the linked list.
* We're also going to track the length.
constructor() {
this.head = null;
this.length = 0;
* First we need a way to retrieve a value in a given position.
* This works differently than normal lists as we can't just jump to the
* correct position. Instead, we need to move through the individual nodes.
get(position) {
// Throw an error if position is greater than the length of the LinkedList
if (position >= this.length) {
throw new Error("Position outside of list range");
// Start with the head of the list.
let current = this.head;
// Slide through all of the items using node.next until we reach the
// specified position.
for (let index = 0; index < position; index++) {
current = current.next;
// Return the node we found.
return current;
* Next we need a way to add nodes to the specified position.
* We're going for a generic add method that accepts a value and a position.
add(value, position) {
// First create a node to hold our value.
let node = {
next: null,
// We need to have a special case for nodes being inserted at the head.
// We'll set the "next" field to the current head and then replace it with
// our new node.
if (position === 0) {
node.next = this.head;
this.head = node;
// If we're adding a node in any other position we need to splice it in
// between the current node and the previous node.
} else {
// First, find the previous node and the current node.
let prev = this.get(position - 1);
let current = prev.next;
// Then insert the new node in between them by setting its "next" field
// to the current node and updating the previous node's "next" field to
// the new one.
node.next = current;
prev.next = node;
// Finally just increment the length.
* The last method we need is a remove method. We're just going to look up a
* node by its position and splice it out of the chain.
remove(position) {
// We should not be able to remove from an empty list
if (!this.head) {
throw new Error("Removing from empty list");
// If we're removing the first node we simply need to set the head to the
// next node in the chain
if (position === 0) {
this.head = this.head.next;
// For any other position, we need to look up the previous node and set it
// to the node after the current position.
} else {
let prev = this.get(position - 1);
prev.next = prev.next.next;
// Then we just decrement the length.
* ============================================================================
* ,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'`'-.,.-'
* ============================================================================
* The remaining two data structures we are going to cover are both in the
* "tree" family.
* Much like real life, there are many different types of tree data structures.
* Binary Trees:
* AA Tree, AVL Tree, Binary Search Tree, Binary Tree, Cartesian Tree,
* left child/right sibling tree, order statistic tree, Pagoda, ...
* B Trees:
* B Tree, B+ Tree, B* Tree, B Sharp Tree, Dancing Tree, 2-3 Tree, ...
* Heaps:
* Heap, Binary Heap, Weak Heap, Binomial Heap, Fibonacci Heap, Leonardo
* Heap, 2-3 Heap, Soft Heap, Pairing Heap, Leftist Heap, Treap, ...
* Trees:
* Trie, Radix Tree, Suffix Tree, Suffix Array, FM-index, B-trie, ...
* Multi-way Trees:
* Ternary Tree, K-ary tree, And-or tree, (a,b)-tree, Link/Cut Tree, ...
* Space Partitioning Trees:
* Segment Tree, Interval Tree, Range Tree, Bin, Kd Tree, Quadtree,
* Octree, Z-Order, UB-Tree, R-Tree, X-Tree, Metric Tree, Cover Tree, ...
* Application-Specific Trees:
* Abstract Syntax Tree, Parse Tree, Decision Tree, Minimax Tree, ...
* Little did you know you'd be studying dendrology today... and that's not even
* all of them. But don't let any of this scare you, most of those don't matter
* at all. There were just a lot of Computer Science PhDs who had something to
* prove.
* Trees are much like graphs or linked lists except they are "unidirectional".
* All this means is that they can't have loops of references.
* Tree: Not a Tree:
* A A
* ↙ ↘ ↗ ↘
* B C B ←–––– C
* If you can draw a loop between connected nodes in a tree... well, you don't
* have a tree.
* Trees have many different uses, they can be used to optimize searching or
* sorting. They can organize programs better. They can give you a
* representation that is easier to work with.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - TREES --------------------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* ccee88oo \ | / *
* C8O8O8Q8PoOb o8oo '-.;;;.-, ooooO8O8QOb o8bDbo *
* dOB69QO8PdUOpugoO9bD -==;;;;;==-aadOB69QO8PdUOpugoO9bD *
* CgggbU8OU qOp qOdoUOdcb .-';;;'-. CgggOU ddqOp qOdoUOdcb *
* 6OuU /p u gcoUodpP / | \ jgs ooSec cdac pdadfoof *
* \\\// /douUP ' \\\d\\\dp/pddoo *
* \\\//// \\ \\//// *
* |||/\ \\/// *
* |||\/ |||| *
* ||||| /||| *
** .............//||||\.......................//|||\\..................... **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* We'll start off with an extremely simple tree structure. It doesn't have any
* special rules to it and looks something like this:
* Tree {
* root: {
* value: 1,
* children: [{
* value: 2,
* children: [...]
* }, {
* value: 3,
* children: [...]
* }]
* }
* }
class Tree {
* The tree has to start with a single parent, the "root" of the tree.
constructor() {
this.root = null;
* We need a way to traverse our tree and call a function on each node in the
* tree.
traverse(callback) {
// We'll define a walk function that we can call recursively on every node
// in the tree.
function walk(node) {
// First call the callback on the node.
// Then recursively call the walk function on all of its children.
// Now kick the traversal process off.
* Next we need a way to add nodes to our tree.
add(value, parentValue) {
let newNode = {
children: [],
// If there is no root, just set it to the new node.
if (this.root === null) {
this.root = newNode;
// Otherwise traverse the entire tree and find a node with a matching value
// and add the new node to its children.
this.traverse((node) => {
if (node.value === parentValue) {
* This is one of the most basic trees you could have and is probably only
* useful if the data you are representing actually resembles a tree.
* But with some extra rules, a tree can serve a lot of different purposes.
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - BINARY SEARCH TREES ------------------------------------------------- **
* ========================================================================= *
* 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 *
* 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 @@` '@@ 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 *
* 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 @@` 8O8PoOb o8o '@@ 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 *
* 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 @@ dOB69QO8PdUgoO9bD @@ 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 *
* ===================== @@ CgbU8OU qOp qOdOdcb @@ 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 *
* @@ 6OU /p u gcoUpP @@ 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 *
* ===================== @@ \\// /doP @@ 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 *
* 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 @@ \\// @@ 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 *
* 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 @@, ||| ,@@ 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 *
* 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 @@, //|\ ,@@ 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 *
** 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* Binary search trees are a fairly common form of tree for their ability to
* efficiently access, search, insert, and delete values all while keeping them
* in a sorted order.
* Imagine taking a sequence of numbers:
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* And turning it into a tree starting from the center.
* 4
* / \
* 2 6
* / \ / \
* 1 3 5 7
* -^--^--^--^--^--^--^-
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* This is how a binary tree works. Each node can have two children:
* - Left: Less than parent node's value.
* - Right: Greater than parent node's value.
* > Note: In order to make this work all values must be unique in the tree.
* This makes the traversal to find a value very efficient. Say we're trying to
* find the number 5 in our tree:
* (4) <--- 5 > 4, so move right.
* / \
* 2 (6) <--- 5 < 6, so move left.
* / \ / \
* 1 3 (5) 7 <--- We've reached 5!
* Notice how we only had to do 3 checks to reach the number 5. If we were to
* expand this tree to 1000 items. We'd go:
* 500 -> 250 -> 125 -> 62 -> 31 -> 15 -> 7 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
* Only 10 checks for 1000 items!
* The other important thing about binary search trees is that they are similar
* to linked lists in the sense that you only need to update the immediately
* surrounding items when adding or removing a value.
class BinarySearchTree {
* Same as the previous Tree, we need to have a "root" of the binary search
* tree.
constructor() {
this.root = null;
* In order to test if the value exists in the tree, we first need to search
* through the tree.
contains(value) {
// We start at the root.
let current = this.root;
// We're going to keep running as long as we have another node to visit.
// If we reach a `left` or `right` that is `null` then this loop ends.
while (current) {
// If the value is greater than the current.value we move to the right
if (value > current.value) {
current = current.right;
// If the value is less than the current.value we move to the left.
} else if (value < current.value) {
current = current.left;
// Otherwise we must be equal values and we return true.
} else {
return true;
// If we haven't matched anything then we return false.
return false;
* In order to add items to this tree we are going to do the same traversal
* as before, bouncing between left and right nodes depending on them being
* less than or greater than the value we're adding.
* However, this time when we reach a `left` or `right` that is `null` we're
* going to add a new node in that position.
add(value) {
// First let's setup our node.
let node = {
value: value,
left: null,
right: null,
// Special case for when there isn't any root node and we just need to add
// one.
if (this.root === null) {
this.root = node;
// We start at the root.
let current = this.root;
// We're going to loop until we've either added our item or discovered it
// already exists in the tree.
while (true) {
// If the value is greater than the current.value we move to the right.
if (value > current.value) {
// If `right` does not exist, set it to our node, and stop traversing.
if (!current.right) {
current.right = node;
// Otherwise just move on to the right node.
current = current.right;
// If the value is less than the current.value we move to the left.
} else if (value < current.value) {
// If `left` does not exist, set it to our node, and stop traversing.
if (!current.left) {
current.left = node;
// Otherwise just move on to the left node.
current = current.left;
// If the number isn't less than or greater, then it must be the same and
// we don't do anything.
} else {
/*** ===================================================================== ***\
** - YOU REACHED THE END! ------------------------------------------------ **
* ========================================================================= *
* .''. *
* .''. *''* :_\/_: . *
* :_\/_: . .:.*_\/_* : /\ : .'.:.'. *
* .''.: /\ : _\(/_ ':'* /\ * : '..'. -=:o:=- *
* :_\/_:'.:::. /)\*''* .|.* '.\'/.'_\(/_'.':'.' *
* : /\ : ::::: '*_\/_* | | -= o =- /)\ ' * *
* '..' ':::' * /\ * |'| .'/.\'. '._____ *
* * __*..* | | : |. |' .---"| *
* _* .-' '-. | | .--'| || | _| | *
* .-'| _.| | || '-__ | | | || | *
* |' | |. | || | | | | || | *
* _____________| '-' ' "" '-' '-.' '` |____________ *
** jgs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **
\*** ===================================================================== ***/
* I know that was probably a bit dense, but hopefully it gave you a good
* amount of knowledge. If you enjoyed it, would you mind giving the repo a
* star and follow me on twitter (@thejameskyle)?
* You can also check out my other code walkthrough, "The Super Tiny Compiler"
* here ------> https://github.com/thejameskyle/the-super-tiny-compiler
// Just exporting everything for the tests...
module.exports = {