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How To Configure Ubuntu

Let's move on to the installation.

sudo apt install git curl wget htop -y

Xorg and Xserver.

Installing X-Server (Xorg)

sudo apt install xorg --no-install-recommends -y

Choosing a Graphical Environment

Installing i3 and the Terminator Terminal Emulator:

sudo apt install i3 terminator -y
sudo apt install sddm -y

Additional View Improvement Programs:

  • Conky is a desktop add-on that allows you to dynamically display various system metrics. It has a very fine configuration and various themes.

  • Feh is a console utility for viewing images, can also be used as an image installer on the desktop.

  • Compton is a lightweight compositing manager for the X graphics server based on xcompmgr-dana that allows you to add different animations and transparency to different windows.

Command to Set Desktop Wallpaper:

feh --bg-fil wallpaper.png

This guide shows that with minimal knowledge, you can collect various combinations of the Linux operating system environment according to your preferences, as well as customize and decorate them in various ways.

Last updated