Understanding By Example


# Function Context Cheatsheet

## Types of Invocation
- Applies to only **named** and **unnamed** functions
- **Doesn't matter** for fat arrow functions

### Function-style invocation
- Context of the function will be global context **UNLESS** binded

### Method-style invocation
- Context of the function will be the object which the function is called on **UNLESS** binded

const obj = {
  name: 'Example Object',
  unnamedFunc: function() {

// Method-style invocation
obj.unnamedFunc(); // 'Example Object' 

// Function-style invocation
const unnamedFunc = obj.unnamedFunc;
unnamedFunc(); // Global context

Types of Functions

Named Function

  • explicit return keyword required

  • curly braces {} around function body

  • NOT saved to a variable

  • parameters must be surrounded by parentheses ()

  • context is defined by how it's invoked or called

    • function-style: global context

    • method-style: context is object that function is being called on

  • calling bind on the function will return a function binded to the context of the bind argument

function namedFunc(params) {
  return 'named function'
// bindedNamedFunc will have the context of obj
const bindedNamedFunc = namedFunc.bind(obj);

Unnamed Function

  • explicit return keyword required

  • curly braces {} around function body

  • MUST be saved to a variable

  • parameters must be surrounded by parentheses ()

  • context is defined by how it's invoked or called

    • function-style: global context

    • method-style: context is object that function is being called on

  • calling bind on the function will return a function binded to the context of the bind argument

const unnamedFunc = function(params) {
  return 'unnamed function'
// bindedUnnamedFunc will have the context of obj
const bindedUnnamedFunc = unnamedFunc.bind(obj);

Explicit Fat Arrow Function

  • explicit return keyword required

  • curly braces {} around function body

  • MUST be saved to a variable

  • parameters must be surrounded by parentheses () IF more than one parameter

  • takes the context of where it's defined

  • CANNOT be binded using bind

const explicitFatArrow = params => {
  return 'explicit fat arrow function'

Implicit Fat Arrow Function

  • NO return keyword

  • function body can only consist of what is being returned

  • Optional parentheses () around function body

    NOTE: Parentheses needs to be used if returning an object ex: ({ key: value })

  • MUST be saved to a variable

  • parameters must be surrounded by parentheses () IF more than one parameter

  • takes the context of where it's defined

  • CANNOT be binded using bind

const implicitFatArrow = (params) => 'implicit fat arrow function';
const implicitFatArrow = (params) => ('implicit fat arrow function');
const implicitFatArrow = (params) => ({
  function: 'implicit fat arrow'


  • bind accepts multiple arguments

  • first argument is the context that you want to bind the function to

  • any arguments that come afterwards will be passed in when the bound function is called BEFORE the call time arguments


// Arrow Functions
// 1. Syntax
// 2. Scoping with Arrow Functions

function logger(title, body) {
  console.log("\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m", title);
  console.log('    ', body);

// Named Function
function sayHelloNamed(name) {
  return 'hello ' + name;

logger('Named Function', sayHelloNamed('Justin'));

// Unnamed Function
const sayHelloUnnamed = function(name) {
  return 'hello ' + name;

logger('Unnamed Function', sayHelloUnnamed('Soon-Mi'));

// Fat Arrow Function with EXPLICIT return
// curly braces around body of fat arrow functions need explicit return keyword
// const sayHelloExplicit = (name) => {
//   return 'hello ' + name;
// };

// No parentheses surrounding parameter needed if ONLY one parameter
const sayHelloExplicit = name => {
  return 'hello ' + name;

logger('Fat Arrow Function with Explicit Return', sayHelloExplicit('Gordon'));

// Fat Arrow Function with IMPLICIT return
// Also called a One-Liner Fat Arrow function
// should only use this when the function's body is NOT multi-line
const sayHelloImplicit = (name) => 'hello' + name;

// can use parentheses around function body as well
// const sayHelloImplicit = (name) => ({
//   hello: 'Angela'
// });

// notice the semicolon ; at the end

logger('Fat Arrow Function with Implicit Return', sayHelloImplicit('Angela'));


// Example using fat arrow functions
const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const newArr = arr.map(el => {
  return el + 2;
// const newArr = arr.map(function(el) {
//   return el + 2;
// });

logger('Original Array, `arr`', arr);
logger('New Mapped Array, `newArr`', newArr);


// Context using Fat Arrow functions
const pony = {
  name: 'Lucy',
  wrappedSayName: function() {
    return function() {
      console.log('Hello my name is ' + this.name);
  wrappedArrowSayName: function() {
    return () => {
      console.log('Hello my name is ' + this.name);

pony.wrappedSayName = pony.wrappedSayName.bind(pony);
let wrap = pony.wrappedSayName().bind(pony); // method-style invocation
wrap(); // function-style invocation


wrap = pony.wrappedArrowSayName(); // method-style invocation


const arrowSayName = pony.wrappedArrowSayName; // not invoking
wrap = arrowSayName(); // function-style invocation

// bound to the context of wherever it's defined


const zoomMeeting = {
  students: ['Christian', 'Ronald','Wren'],
  listStudent: function(studentName) {
    // console.log(studentName);
  listStudents: function() {
    const listStudent = this.listStudent;
    listStudent(); // function-style



//  Global Scope

let cities = ["NYC", "SF"];


// Local / Function Scope

function sayThings() {
  // let cities = ['Bogota', 'Madrid'];
  // console.log(cities);

  let word = 'dinosaur';

// console.log(cities); // prints NYC & SF
// console.log(word); // ReferenceError

// Block Scope

if (true) {
  let cats = ['Roma', 'Luigi'];
  //console.log(cats); // prints Roma & Luigi

//console.log(cats) // ReferenceError

// This example was extended to show how scope within nested blocks works
// As Justin pointed out, it also leads directly into closures

let carrot = 'snake';

if (true){
  let carrot = 'doggie!';
  if (true) {
    carrot = 'carrot';
    console.log(carrot); // prints carrot
  for(let i = 1; i < 5; i++){
    console.log(`i is ${i}`);
  //console.log(`i is ${i}`); // reference error
  console.log("line 57:" ,'george' ,carrot);

console.log(carrot); // prints snake


// Closure
// When an inner function uses, or changes, 
// variables defined in an outer scope.
// NOT for declaring a variable of the same name in an inner scope.
function sayHi() {
    let name = 'Bryan Guner';

    function greeting() {
        // here greeting function closes over, or captures, the name variable
        // to read it's value
        return "Hi there, " + name + "!";
    // Here, we return the return value of the greeting function
    return greeting();
// console.log(sayHi());
function nameAndCity() {
    let person = {
        name: 'Sergey',
        city: 'Moscow'

    function changeCity() {
        // here changeCity function closes over the person variable
        // and reassigns a value on an existing key
        person.city = 'Toronto';
    // the person variable will show the changes from the changeCity function
    return person;
// console.log(nameAndCity());
function smoothieMaker() {
    let ingredients = [];

    function addIngredient( ingredient ) {
        // Here addIngredient function closes over the ingredients variable
        // to push new elements into the ingredients variable.
        // We have created a private state where we cannot access 
        // the ingredients array from the outside and can only access
        // the variable from the inner function.
        ingredients.push( ingredient );
        return ingredients;
    // Here the return value for smoothiemaker is the return value 
    // is the function addIngredient, NOT addIngredient's return value
    return addIngredient;
// Here we initialize we return a new addIngredient function
// which has closed over the ingredients array
const makeSmoothie = smoothieMaker();
console.log( makeSmoothie );
console.log( makeSmoothie( 'spinach' ) ); // prints [ spinach ]
console.log( makeSmoothie( 'turmeric' ) ); // prints [ spinach, turmeric ]
// let mySmoothie = makeSmoothie();
// Here we return a new and different addIngredient function
// which has closed over a new a different ingredients array
const makeSmoothie2 = smoothieMaker();
console.log( makeSmoothie2( 'kale' ) ); // prints [ kale ]  -- does not include spinach and turmeric
function createCounter() {
    let count = 0;
    return function () {
        return count;
let counter1 = createCounter();
let counter2 = createCounter();
// console.log(counter1());
// console.log(counter1());
// console.log(counter1());
// console.log(counter1());
// What will this print out?
// console.log(counter2());
// Brief talk of scope and redeclaring a const variable in a loop
for ( let i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
    const num = i + 2;

// In the following examples we will predict what will 
// be printed to the terminal

// 1

function dinerBreakfast(food) {
    let order = "I'd like cheesy scrambled eggs and ";

    function finishOrder() {
        return order + food;

    return finishOrder();

// console.log(dinerBreakfast('green tea'));

// 2

function dinerBreakfast2(food) {
    let order = "I'd like a(n) " + food;

    function withEggs() {
        order = order + ' and cheesy scrambled eggs, please!'

    return order;

// console.log(dinerBreakfast2('avocado toast'));

// 3

function dinerBreakfast3() {
    let order = "I'd like cheesy scrambled eggs";

    return function (food) {
        order = order + " and " + food;
        return order;

let breakfastOrder = dinerBreakfast3();



// In the following examples we will predict what will
// be printed to the terminal

function whatIsThis() {

const pony = {
    name: "Lucy",
    whatIsThis: function () {
    sayName: function () {
        console.log('Hello my name is ' + this.name);
    changeName: function (newName) {
        this.name = newName;

// 1.
// whatIsThis(); 

// 2.
// pony.whatIsThis();

// 3.
// pony.sayName();

// 4.
// pony.changeName("Layla");

// 5. 
// const sayNameFunc = pony.sayName;
// sayNameFunc();

// 6.
// const boundSayName = pony.sayName.bind(pony);
// boundSayName();

// 7.
const bart = {
    name: 'Bart'

const boundToBart = pony.sayName.bind(bart);
// boundToBart();

// 8.
const changeBartsName = pony.changeName.bind(bart);

// Context
// What does the keyword 'this' refer to?
// The context is determined by HOW a function is invoked

// Different ways of invoking a function
// function style
// context is set to the global object
// 'this' refers to the global object
// method style
// context is set to the object on which the method is called
// 'this' refers to the object on which the method is called

// How to ensure bind never change the context of a function 
// no matter how it is invoked.
// .bind()
// By adding .bind() to the end of a function we set the context
// to equal the argument passed to .bind() 
// 'this' will refer to the argument passed to .bind()

// Scope VS Context

// Scope: 
// Availability of variables at a line in your application
// Context:
// The value of this
// Determined by how a function has been invoked or the .bind() method

const cat = {
    name: 'Luigi',
    age: 2,
    whatIsThis: function () {
    nameAndAge: function () {
        console.log(this.name + " is " + this.age + " years old.")

// cat.whatIsThis();
// cat.nameAndAge();

const nameAndAgeFunc = cat.nameAndAge;

const boundNameAndAge = cat.nameAndAge.bind(cat);
// boundNameAndAge();

const cat2 = {
    name: 'Roma',
    age: 3

function nameAndAge() {
    console.log(this.name + " is " + this.age + " years old.");

const dog = {
    name: 'Napo',
    age: 5

const catNameAge = nameAndAge.bind(cat2);
const dogNameAge = nameAndAge.bind(dog);


const obj = {
  name: 'Example Object',
  unnamedFunc: function() {

// Method-style invocation
obj.unnamedFunc(); // 'Example Object'

// Function-style invocation
const unnamedFunc = obj.unnamedFunc;
unnamedFunc(); // `undefined` because Global context


// Unnamed Func
const dog = {
  name: 'Digby'

const boundFunc = obj.unnamedFunc.bind(dog);
boundFunc(); // Digby
obj.unnamedFunc(); // Example Object


// Bind Time and Call Time Arguments
// bind time arguments passed in first, then call time arguments
function printAge(...args) {
  const age = args[0];
  const year = args[1];
  console.log(this.name + ' is ' + age + ' years old. Born in ' + year);

const otherArgs = [2005];

const printDigby = printAge.bind(dog, 12, ...otherArgs);

// const printRealDigby = printAge.bind(dog, 4);
// printRealDigby(2002);

Last updated

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