Flexbox Cheat Sheet


  • display: flex or display: inline-flex: creates a flex context (or an inline flex context) for direct children of this element

  • flex-direction determines the main and cross axis for the container, valid values are:

    • row (default): horizontal, in the direction of writing (left to right for English)

    • row-reverse: horizontal, in the opposite direction of writing (right to left for English)

    • column: vertical, top to bottom

    • column-reverse: vertical, bottom to top

  • flex-wrap determines if flex items will try to fit in one line, valid values are:

    • nowrap (default): all flex items will be on one line

    • wrap: flex items will wrap onto multiple lines, top to bottom

    • wrap-reverse: flex items will wrap onto multiple lines, bottom to top

  • flex-flow: shorthand combining flex-direction and flex-wrap

    • Formal syntax: flex-flow: <'flex-direction'> || <'flex-wrap'>

  • justify-content defines the alignment along the main axis, valid values are:

    • flex-start (default): pack flex items from the start

    • flex-end: pack flex items from the end

    • start: pack items from the start

    • end: pack items from the end

    • left: pack items from the left

    • right: pack items from the right

    • center: pack items around the center

    • space-around: distribute items evenly with equal space around them

    • space-between: distribute items evenly with equal space between them

    • space-evenly: distribute items evenly, ensuring equal space between any two items

    • stretch: distribute items evenly, stretching auto-sized items to fit the container

  • align-items defines the alignment along the cross axis, valid values are:

    • flex-start (default): pack flex items from the start

    • flex-end: pack flex items from the end

    • start: pack items from the start

    • end: pack items from the end

    • center: pack items around the center

    • baseline: align items based on their baselines

    • stretch: stretch items to fill the container

  • align-content defines the alignment of extra space along the cross axis, valid values are:

    • flex-start (default): pack flex items from the start

    • flex-end: pack flex items from the end

    • start: pack items from the start

    • end: pack items from the end

    • center: pack items around the center

    • space-around: distribute items evenly with equal space around them

    • space-between: distribute items evenly with equal space between them

    • space-evenly: distribute items evenly, ensuring equal space between any two items

    • stretch: distribute items evenly, stretching auto-sized items to fit the container


  • flex-grow determines how much the item can grow if necessary

    • Accepts a single positive number (unitless), default value is 0

    • Specifies how much of the remaining space in the flex container should be assigned to the item

    • The remaining space is the size of the flex container minus the size of all flex items' sizes together

    • If all items have the same flex-grow, all items will receive an equal share of the remaining space

    • If not all items have the same flex-grow, the remaining space is distributed according to the ratio defined by these values

  • flex-shrink determines how much the items can shrink if necessary

    • Accepts a single positive number (unitless), default value is 1

    • If the size of all flex items is larger than the flex container, items shrink to fit according to flex-shrink

  • flex-basis determines the initial size of a flex item before the remaining space is distributed

    • Can use any valid width value, intrinsic size values, auto (default) or content

    • auto means "look at my width or height property", whereas content is used for automatic sizing

  • flex: shorthand combining flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis

    • Formal syntax: flex: none | [ <'flex-grow'> <'flex-shrink'>? || <'flex-basis'> ]

  • align-self allows the item to override the default align-items specified by the container

    • Valid values are the same as those of the align-items property in the container

  • order determines the ordering of the item

    • Accepts an integer value

    • Items in a container are sorted by ascending order value and then by their source code order

    • Might cause accessibility issues if used incorrectly

Last updated

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