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Senior Javascript Developer (react & Redux) Resume
Extensive experience in development of web applications with Front - End technologies using both MEAN and MERN Stack.
Strong web development skills with HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Less/Sass, Bootstrap, JavaScript (ES5/ES6), React, Redux, AngularJS, **AJAX **and JSON.
Expertise in design and development of web and enterprise applications using React, Redux,** AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Stylus, ES6.**
Experience in using **Redux **to manage the application state and applying middleware such as redux-promise, redux-thunk and redux-saga.
Experience in **r esponsive web pages **design with Media Queries, CSS Grid Layout, **Flexbox **and Bootstrap.
Strong knowledge in **JavaScript **using Closur e, Pr omise, Inheritance, **AJAX **and experience in both **Object-Oriented **Programming and **Functional Reactive **Programming.
Experience implementing **ES6 **features such as arr ow function, Class, Module, **Set **and **Map **etc.
Extensive experience usi ng A ngu l ar ngR ou t e/ U I - R outer, D a t a Bi nd i ng, C o ntr ol l er s, Ser vi c es, D i r ec t **i ves, **an d A ngu l ar f or m va l i dat **i on **e t c.
H ands - on expe r i enc e i n cr e at i ng fr on t end U n **i t T est **su it e s us i ng Jasm **i ne **and K **a rm a, **and end -t o **- end **t es t usi ng P r ot r act o r .
G r ea t expe r i enc e i n t a sk r unner s **G runt **a nd G ulp, and V er si o n C ont r o l t o ol s G IT, SVN.
**Web Technologies: **HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS2/CSS3, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap3, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, JSON.
**Java Script Libraries: **Angular.js 1.x and 2.0, ReactJS, Redux, Node.js, Grunt, Gulp and other API s
IDE s & Tools: Eclipse IDE, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio, Sublime Text 3
Web Frame Tools: Axure, InVision
Debugging Tools: Firebug, Chrome, IE Developer
Database: Oracle 11g, MySQL
**Operating systems: **Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, MAC OS X
**Version Controls: **SVN, GITHUB, GIT, SourceTree.
Senior JavaScript Developer (React & Redux)
Developed the Front-End and User Interface of ARWorks applications using Javascript, ES6, React, and Redux.
Developed Single Page Applications (SPAs) using React-Router and to enable navigation from one view to the next as clients performs application tasks.
Involved writing modules using React as a view engine to build component-based application.
Created reusable React components and managed application state with Redux.
Applied redux middleware using redux-promise, redux-thunk and redux-saga.
Used redux-form to manage form state in redux.
Applied Oriented Programming techniques to track UI components being added to DOM and to change the behavior of framework methods.
Used **High-Order Component **to improve component reusability .
Applied Semantic UI to design user interface such as Accordion, T ab and Modal.
Refactored the client-side validation to decouple the UI and business logic, reduced dependencyand event listeners.
Designed a new client-side Dirty Form Check API to achieve loose coupling.
Created formatter wrapper JavaScript API with Moment.js to format date, time and numbers.
Used AJAX calls and requesting JSON information through REST APIs to fetch data and secure client’s information from server asynchronously.
Used Webpack as module bundler and Babel for compiling and build component-based React architecture and SASS preprocessing for configuring tasks.
Used **Babel **to compile JSX , **ES6 **and follow JSHint standard for high code quality.
Project was implemented by following TDD using Chai/Mocha/Sinon framework.
Implemented Snapshot testing using Jest for React project along with Enzyme test utilities.
Used NPM and Bower to manage application dependency, Gulp to build and bundle applications, Webpack to hot deploy applications.
Worked in Agile Methodologies for incremental development to deliver better application.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ES6, React, Redux, SASS, NodeJS, AJAX, Mocha, Jest, Bootstrap, SVN, NPM, Bower, Gulp, Jenkins, JIRA, Babel, Webpack.
Web Developer
Worked closely with internal clients to define business objectives, project scope, solution space and design/development approach for various research applications.
Maintaining **Parent **and **child **elements by using **State **and **Props **In React.js
Implemented React and Functional Driven **JavaScript **in **SPAs **, **UI Components **, **Mobile **and **web **along with Performance optimization
Skilled in leading frameworks as **React.js **to build high-quality, scalable and reusable components and Front-end solution.
Created custom filter in **React.JS **in the application
Used services to read data from remote server using React.JS
Used **React.js **library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.
Created **React.js **for reusable components (multi-field form elements, background file uploads.
Implemented React.js Controllers to maintain each view data.
Used **Node.js **to run **Webpack tasks **and build properly the project.
Implemented modules into **Node JS **to integrate with designs and requirements.
Implemented Initial setup and component migration to Redux.
Experienced consuming APIs **using AJAX and manipulating/consuming JSON objects **.
**Used JQuery for callbacks, promises **and event based functions.
Developed various screens for the front end using **React JS **and used various predefined components from NPM and Redux library.
Components from **NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library **.
Each module contains all of its related constants, action creators, and its reducer. If any of our **other modules need access **to any of these we will **export, import **what is needed.
Developed single page responsive Web UI using HTML5, ReactJS Bootstrap3, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery.
Generated responsive data tables using with Bootstrap grid system.
Used Bootstrap Grid System and CSS3 Media Queries to develop single responsive application with good user experience in all platforms like desktops, tablets and mobile phones.
Used Node.js to run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify, concat etc.)
Implement modules into Node.JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
Used Node.js for communication to the server through RESTful API.
Added user validations and user permissions by using the Node.js.
Built Node server using **Node.js **with Express.js to populate the data on webpage through database.
Developed REST API for test server for Express Router middleware based API's with Mongo DB integration.
UsedCSS3 to develop UI Components such as Accordions and Model Windows using pure HTML 5 and CSS3.
Environment: HTML4/5, CSS2/3, JavaScript ES6, JQUERY, ReactJS, NODE JS, AJAX, JSON, Mongo 2.4.2, SQL, GIT.
Senior Front End Developer
Involved in Requirement gathering phase in order to gather the requirements from the business users and dealing with **UX **team to continuously accommodate changing user requirements.
Developed the front end of the application using **HTML5 **, **DHTML **, **CSS3 **, **SASS **, **JSP **, and JavaScript.
Applied advanced HTML, JavaScript, and** CSS** to deliver cutting-edge user interfaces and components.
Created interactive websites and website features using JavaScript and JQuery/ JQuery UI.
Used** Angular.js for developing single page web applications.**
Used **Ext **. **js **for building rich internet applications, **backbone **. **js **, & **Require **. **js **to optimize in-browser use and to load the module and to improve the Speed.
Wrote Page level code using JavaScript with Angular.js framework along with JQUERY & other JavaScript libraries .
Spearheaded adoption of Responsive Web design principles.
Creating interactive prototypes using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript front end code from a combination of wireframes, visual designs, and design standards.
Utilized Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Illustrator for the front-end development such as graphics and multimedia.
Converted existing websites to Responsive websites.
Responsible for creating the screens with table-less designs meeting W3C standards.
Wrote application level code to interact with the backend databases JQUERY, AJAX, and JSON.
Used Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flex for implementing application and designing graphics and images.
Applied JQuery scripts for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.
Worked upon the dashboard for the project which contained a variety of charts and drag gable components using JQUERY UI Library.
Used AJAX for asynchronously exchanging the small amount of data with the server behind the scenes and updating the JSP page.
Used AJAX and** JSON** to make asynchronous calls to the project server to fetch data on the fly.
Developed and deployed Action Classes and** JSP** for Dynamic HTML generation.
Generated new and edited existing design with CSS to accommodate new changes in design and logic.
Created web pages which are informative and yet very neat and interesting to look at.
Responsible for design and development of the web pages from mock- ups.
Worked closely with business users and developers of a team to resolve issues.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, Responsive Web Design, Angular.js, Backbone JS, JQuery UI, Gulp, JSON, Protector, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flex, JavaScript, JSP, SASS, MVC.
UI Developer
Used Responsive Web Design so that the website is compatible with different devices like desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).
Worked on Bootstrap and Media Queries for Responsive Web Design.
Used SASS Pre-processor for writing maintainable code.
Extensively used CSS features like Basic, Pseudo Classes, CSS3 Media Queries and supporting cross browser compatibility using polyfills.
Implemented data-binding using AngularJS for front-end development of a current web application.
Extensive experience in AngularJS implementing MVC and concepts of two-way data binding.
Using AngularJS factory and services for dependency injection to share data and common code functionality between multiple controllers.
Developed reusable components using Custom Directives in AngularJS
Developed applications using AngularJS Single page applications SPAs to improve page performance and minimize the changes on the page using ui-router.
Used http in **angular **for consuming RESTful webservices.
Used $q as a promise library in working with $http in AngularJS.
Used Grunt, webpack for build tool for configuring tasks.
Used $resource and $promise to perform AJAX calls for creating interactive web pages on JSON response.
Used Google Chrome for debugging the application using Chrome Developer toolbar.
Followed Agile Scrum Software Development Methodology in the progress of the project.
Used GIT as version control system.
Extensively used NodeJS npm modules like grunt, bower and express.
Project status tracking or stories and bugs using JIRA
Environment: HTML, CSS3, BootStrap, JavaScript, Angular JS 1.x, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML
Web Developer
Extensively used AngularJS, JQUERY, JSON, AJAX and **DOM **scripting to create interactive web applications like message posting and auto complete form validations.
Used jQuery for interaction between JavaScript and HTML.
Worked on Responsive Designing for websites for Tablets and Mobiles for Expressionery site.
Converted raw images and layouts from a graphic designer into CSS/HTML themes.
Developed front end for the entire website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Worked with the design of the templates and skins in CSS3.
Used Firebug, and IE developer, Chrome toolbar for debugging and browser compatibility
Followed Web Accessibility Guidelines while coding the website.
Implemented client side validations in registration forms, login and logout forms using Java Script.
Adopted a cross browser and cross platform approach to make the website more versatile and Supportive.
Been an active team player, helped in fixing bugs and also carried out troubleshooting
Adhered to corporate standards with respect to problem, change and configuration management
Environment: s: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Java, AngularJS, JQUERY, JQUERY UI, AJAX, JSON, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP
Lambda Examples:
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