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Senior Javascript Developer (react & Redux) Resume

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  • Extensive experience in development of web applications with Front - End technologies using both MEAN and MERN Stack.

  • Strong web development skills with HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Less/Sass, Bootstrap, JavaScript (ES5/ES6), React, Redux, AngularJS, **AJAX **and JSON.

  • Expertise in design and development of web and enterprise applications using React, Redux,** AngularJS, jQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Stylus, ES6.**

  • Experience in using **Redux **to manage the application state and applying middleware such as redux-promise, redux-thunk and redux-saga.

  • Experience in **r esponsive web pages **design with Media Queries, CSS Grid Layout, **Flexbox **and Bootstrap.

  • Strong knowledge in **JavaScript **using Closur e, Pr omise, Inheritance, **AJAX **and experience in both **Object-Oriented **Programming and **Functional Reactive **Programming.

  • Experience implementing **ES6 **features such as arr ow function, Class, Module, **Set **and **Map **etc.

  • Extensive experience usi ng A ngu l ar ngR ou t e/ U I - R outer, D a t a Bi nd i ng, C o ntr ol l er s, Ser vi c es, D i r ec t **i ves, **an d A ngu l ar f or m va l i dat **i on **e t c.

  • H ands - on expe r i enc e i n cr e at i ng fr on t end U n **i t T est **su it e s us i ng Jasm **i ne **and K **a rm a, **and end -t o **- end **t es t usi ng P r ot r act o r .

  • G r ea t expe r i enc e i n t a sk r unner s **G runt **a nd G ulp, and V er si o n C ont r o l t o ol s G IT, SVN.


**Web Technologies: **HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS2/CSS3, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap3, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, JSON.

**Java Script Libraries: **Angular.js 1.x and 2.0, ReactJS, Redux, Node.js, Grunt, Gulp and other API s

IDE s & Tools: Eclipse IDE, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio, Sublime Text 3

Web Frame Tools: Axure, InVision

Debugging Tools: Firebug, Chrome, IE Developer

Database: Oracle 11g, MySQL

**Operating systems: **Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, MAC OS X

**Version Controls: **SVN, GITHUB, GIT, SourceTree.



Senior JavaScript Developer (React & Redux)


  • Developed the Front-End and User Interface of ARWorks applications using Javascript, ES6, React, and Redux.

  • Developed Single Page Applications (SPAs) using React-Router and to enable navigation from one view to the next as clients performs application tasks.

  • Involved writing modules using React as a view engine to build component-based application.

  • Created reusable React components and managed application state with Redux.

  • Applied redux middleware using redux-promise, redux-thunk and redux-saga.

  • Used redux-form to manage form state in redux.

  • Applied Oriented Programming techniques to track UI components being added to DOM and to change the behavior of framework methods.

  • Used **High-Order Component **to improve component reusability .

  • Applied Semantic UI to design user interface such as Accordion, T ab and Modal.

  • Refactored the client-side validation to decouple the UI and business logic, reduced dependencyand event listeners.

  • Designed a new client-side Dirty Form Check API to achieve loose coupling.

  • Created formatter wrapper JavaScript API with Moment.js to format date, time and numbers.

  • Used AJAX calls and requesting JSON information through REST APIs to fetch data and secure client’s information from server asynchronously.

  • Used Webpack as module bundler and Babel for compiling and build component-based React architecture and SASS preprocessing for configuring tasks.

  • Used **Babel **to compile JSX , **ES6 **and follow JSHint standard for high code quality.

  • Project was implemented by following TDD using Chai/Mocha/Sinon framework.

  • Implemented Snapshot testing using Jest for React project along with Enzyme test utilities.

  • Used NPM and Bower to manage application dependency, Gulp to build and bundle applications, Webpack to hot deploy applications.

  • Worked in Agile Methodologies for incremental development to deliver better application.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ES6, React, Redux, SASS, NodeJS, AJAX, Mocha, Jest, Bootstrap, SVN, NPM, Bower, Gulp, Jenkins, JIRA, Babel, Webpack.


Web Developer


  • Worked closely with internal clients to define business objectives, project scope, solution space and design/development approach for various research applications.

  • Maintaining **Parent **and **child **elements by using **State **and **Props **In React.js

  • Implemented React and Functional Driven **JavaScript **in **SPAs **, **UI Components **, **Mobile **and **web **along with Performance optimization

  • Skilled in leading frameworks as **React.js **to build high-quality, scalable and reusable components and Front-end solution.

  • Created custom filter in **React.JS **in the application

  • Used services to read data from remote server using React.JS

  • Used **React.js **library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.

  • Created **React.js **for reusable components (multi-field form elements, background file uploads.

  • Implemented React.js Controllers to maintain each view data.

  • Used **Node.js **to run **Webpack tasks **and build properly the project.

  • Implemented modules into **Node JS **to integrate with designs and requirements.

  • Implemented Initial setup and component migration to Redux.

  • Experienced consuming APIs **using AJAX and manipulating/consuming JSON objects **.

  • **Used JQuery for callbacks, promises **and event based functions.

  • Developed various screens for the front end using **React JS **and used various predefined components from NPM and Redux library.

  • Components from **NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library **.

  • Each module contains all of its related constants, action creators, and its reducer. If any of our **other modules need access **to any of these we will **export, import **what is needed.

  • Developed single page responsive Web UI using HTML5, ReactJS Bootstrap3, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery.

  • Generated responsive data tables using with Bootstrap grid system.

  • Used Bootstrap Grid System and CSS3 Media Queries to develop single responsive application with good user experience in all platforms like desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

  • Used Node.js to run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify, concat etc.)

  • Implement modules into Node.JS to integrate with designs and requirements.

  • Used Node.js for communication to the server through RESTful API.

  • Added user validations and user permissions by using the Node.js.

  • Built Node server using **Node.js **with Express.js to populate the data on webpage through database.

  • Developed REST API for test server for Express Router middleware based API's with Mongo DB integration.

  • UsedCSS3 to develop UI Components such as Accordions and Model Windows using pure HTML 5 and CSS3.

Environment: HTML4/5, CSS2/3, JavaScript ES6, JQUERY, ReactJS, NODE JS, AJAX, JSON, Mongo 2.4.2, SQL, GIT.


Senior Front End Developer


  • Involved in Requirement gathering phase in order to gather the requirements from the business users and dealing with **UX **team to continuously accommodate changing user requirements.

  • Developed the front end of the application using **HTML5 **, **DHTML **, **CSS3 **, **SASS **, **JSP **, and JavaScript.

  • Applied advanced HTML, JavaScript, and** CSS** to deliver cutting-edge user interfaces and components.

  • Created interactive websites and website features using JavaScript and JQuery/ JQuery UI.

  • Used** Angular.js for developing single page web applications.**

  • Used **Ext **. **js **for building rich internet applications, **backbone **. **js **, & **Require **. **js **to optimize in-browser use and to load the module and to improve the Speed.

  • Wrote Page level code using JavaScript with Angular.js framework along with JQUERY & other JavaScript libraries .

  • Spearheaded adoption of Responsive Web design principles.

  • Creating interactive prototypes using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript front end code from a combination of wireframes, visual designs, and design standards.

  • Utilized Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Illustrator for the front-end development such as graphics and multimedia.

  • Converted existing websites to Responsive websites.

  • Responsible for creating the screens with table-less designs meeting W3C standards.

  • Wrote application level code to interact with the backend databases JQUERY, AJAX, and JSON.

  • Used Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flex for implementing application and designing graphics and images.

  • Applied JQuery scripts for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.

  • Worked upon the dashboard for the project which contained a variety of charts and drag gable components using JQUERY UI Library.

  • Used AJAX for asynchronously exchanging the small amount of data with the server behind the scenes and updating the JSP page.

  • Used AJAX and** JSON** to make asynchronous calls to the project server to fetch data on the fly.

  • Developed and deployed Action Classes and** JSP** for Dynamic HTML generation.

  • Generated new and edited existing design with CSS to accommodate new changes in design and logic.

  • Created web pages which are informative and yet very neat and interesting to look at.

  • Responsible for design and development of the web pages from mock- ups.

  • Worked closely with business users and developers of a team to resolve issues.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, Responsive Web Design, Angular.js, Backbone JS, JQuery UI, Gulp, JSON, Protector, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flex, JavaScript, JSP, SASS, MVC.


UI Developer


  • Used Responsive Web Design so that the website is compatible with different devices like desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).

  • Worked on Bootstrap and Media Queries for Responsive Web Design.

  • Used SASS Pre-processor for writing maintainable code.

  • Extensively used CSS features like Basic, Pseudo Classes, CSS3 Media Queries and supporting cross browser compatibility using polyfills.

  • Implemented data-binding using AngularJS for front-end development of a current web application.

  • Extensive experience in AngularJS implementing MVC and concepts of two-way data binding.

  • Using AngularJS factory and services for dependency injection to share data and common code functionality between multiple controllers.

  • Developed reusable components using Custom Directives in AngularJS

  • Developed applications using AngularJS Single page applications SPAs to improve page performance and minimize the changes on the page using ui-router.

  • Used http in **angular **for consuming RESTful webservices.

  • Used $q as a promise library in working with $http in AngularJS.

  • Used Grunt, webpack for build tool for configuring tasks.

  • Used $resource and $promise to perform AJAX calls for creating interactive web pages on JSON response.

  • Used Google Chrome for debugging the application using Chrome Developer toolbar.

  • Followed Agile Scrum Software Development Methodology in the progress of the project.

  • Used GIT as version control system.

  • Extensively used NodeJS npm modules like grunt, bower and express.

  • Project status tracking or stories and bugs using JIRA

Environment: HTML, CSS3, BootStrap, JavaScript, Angular JS 1.x, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML


Web Developer


  • Extensively used AngularJS, JQUERY, JSON, AJAX and **DOM **scripting to create interactive web applications like message posting and auto complete form validations.

  • Used jQuery for interaction between JavaScript and HTML.

  • Worked on Responsive Designing for websites for Tablets and Mobiles for Expressionery site.

  • Converted raw images and layouts from a graphic designer into CSS/HTML themes.

  • Developed front end for the entire website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Worked with the design of the templates and skins in CSS3.

  • Used Firebug, and IE developer, Chrome toolbar for debugging and browser compatibility

  • Followed Web Accessibility Guidelines while coding the website.

  • Implemented client side validations in registration forms, login and logout forms using Java Script.

  • Adopted a cross browser and cross platform approach to make the website more versatile and Supportive.

  • Been an active team player, helped in fixing bugs and also carried out troubleshooting

  • Adhered to corporate standards with respect to problem, change and configuration management

Environment: s: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Java, AngularJS, JQUERY, JQUERY UI, AJAX, JSON, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP

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