Enforce camelCase naming convention (camelcase)


This rule has been deprecated in favour of the naming-convention rule. It will be removed in a future version of this plugin.

Rule Details

This rule extends the base eslint/camelcase rule. It adds support for numerous TypeScript features.

How to use

  // note you must disable the base rule as it can report incorrect errors
  "camelcase": "off",
  "@typescript-eslint/camelcase": ["error"]


See eslint/camelcase options. This rule adds the following options:

interface Options extends BaseCamelcaseOptions {
  genericType?: 'always' | 'never';

const defaultOptions: Options = {
  genericType: 'never',
  • "genericType": "never" (default) does not check generic identifiers

  • "genericType": "always" enforces camelCase style for generic identifiers

genericType: "always"

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "genericType": "always" } option:

/* eslint @typescript-eslint/camelcase: ["error", { "genericType": "always" }] */

interface Foo<t_foo> {}
function foo<t_foo>() {}
class Foo<t_foo> {}
type Foo<t_foo> = {};
class Foo {
  method<t_foo>() {}

interface Foo<t_foo extends object> {}
function foo<t_foo extends object>() {}
class Foo<t_foo extends object> {}
type Foo<t_foo extends object> = {};
class Foo {
  method<t_foo extends object>() {}

interface Foo<t_foo = object> {}
function foo<t_foo = object>() {}
class Foo<t_foo = object> {}
type Foo<t_foo = object> = {};
class Foo {
  method<t_foo = object>() {}

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "genericType": "always" } option:

/* eslint @typescript-eslint/camelcase: ["error", { "genericType": "always" }] */

interface Foo<T> {}
function foo<t>() {}
class Foo<T> {}
type Foo<T> = {};
class Foo {
  method<T>() {}

interface Foo<T extends object> {}
function foo<T extends object>() {}
class Foo<T extends object> {}
type Foo<T extends object> = {};
class Foo {
  method<T extends object>() {}

interface Foo<T = object> {}
function foo<T = object>() {}
class Foo<T = object> {}
type Foo<T = object> = {};
class Foo {
  method<T = object>() {}

genericType: "never"

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "genericType": "never" } option:

/* eslint @typescript-eslint/camelcase: ["error", { "genericType": "never" }] */

interface Foo<t_foo> {}
function foo<t_foo>() {}
class Foo<t_foo> {}
type Foo<t_foo> = {};
class Foo {
  method<t_foo>() {}

interface Foo<t_foo extends object> {}
function foo<t_foo extends object>() {}
class Foo<t_foo extends object> {}
type Foo<t_foo extends object> = {};
class Foo {
  method<t_foo extends object>() {}

interface Foo<t_foo = object> {}
function foo<t_foo = object>() {}
class Foo<t_foo = object> {}
type Foo<t_foo = object> = {};
class Foo {
  method<t_foo = object>() {}

Taken with ❤️ from ESLint core

Last updated