Enforces naming of generic type variables (generic-type-naming)

It can be helpful to enforce a consistent naming style for generic type variables used within a type. For example, prefixing them with T and ensuring a somewhat descriptive name, or enforcing Hungarian notation.


This rule has been deprecated in favour of the naming-convention rule. It will be removed in a future version of this plugin.

Rule Details

This rule allows you to enforce conventions over type variables. By default, it does nothing.


The rule takes a single string option, which is a regular expression that type variables should match.

Examples of correct code with a configuration of '^T[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+$':

type ReadOnly<TType extends object> = {
  readonly [TKey in keyof TType]: TType[TKey];

interface SimpleMap<TValue> {
  [key: string]: TValue;

Examples of incorrect code with a configuration of '^T[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+$':

type ReadOnly<T extends object> = { readonly [Key in keyof T]: T[Key] };

interface SimpleMap<T> {
  [key: string]: T;

When Not To Use It

If you do not want to enforce a naming convention for type variables.

Further Reading

Last updated