Require PascalCased class and interface names (class-name-casing)

This rule enforces PascalCase names for classes and interfaces.


This rule has been deprecated in favour of the naming-convention rule. It will be removed in a future version of this plugin.

Rule Details

This rule aims to make it easy to differentiate classes from regular variables at a glance. The _ prefix is sometimes used to designate a private declaration, so the rule also supports a name that might be _Example instead of Example.


This rule has an object option:

  • "allowUnderscorePrefix": false: (default) does not allow the name to have an underscore prefix

  • "allowUnderscorePrefix": true: allows the name to optionally have an underscore prefix


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

class invalidClassName {}

class Another_Invalid_Class_Name {}

var bar = class invalidName {};

interface someInterface {}

class _InternalClass {}

Examples of correct code for this rule:

class ValidClassName {}

export default class {}

var foo = class {};

interface SomeInterface {}

/* eslint @typescript-eslint/class-name-casing: { "allowUnderscorePrefix": true } */
class _InternalClass {}

When Not To Use It

You should turn off this rule if you do not care about class name casing, or if you use a different type of casing.

Further Reading

Last updated