Practice Problems

def add(param1, param2):
    return param1 + param2
def centuryFromYear(year):
    return ((year-1) // 100) + 1

def checkPalindrome(inputString):
    return inputString == inputString[::-1]

def adjacentElementsProduct(inputArray):
    max = inputArray[0] * inputArray[1]
    for i in range(len(inputArray) - 1):
        if inputArray[i] * inputArray[i+1] > max:
            max = inputArray[i] * inputArray[i+1]
    return max

def shapeArea(n):
    sum = n*2 - 1
    for i in range(1, (n*2)-1, 2):
        sum += i*2
    return sum
def makeArrayConsecutive2(statues):
    return max(statues) - min(statues) - len(statues) + 1
def almostIncreasingSequence(sequence):
    i = 0
    while i < len(sequence) - 1:
        if not sequence[i] < sequence[i + 1]:
            if increasingSequence(sequence[:i] + sequence[i+1:]) or \
                    increasingSequence(sequence[:i+1] + sequence[i+2:]):
                return True
                return False
        i += 1
    return True

def increasingSequence(sequence):
    for i in range(len(sequence) - 1):
        if not sequence[i] < sequence[i + 1]:
            return False
    return True

def matrixElementsSum(matrix):
    if len(matrix) > 1:
        for row in range(1, len(matrix)):
            for room in range(len(matrix[row])):
                if matrix[row - 1][room] == 0:
                    matrix[row][room] = 0
    sum = 0
    for row in matrix:
        for room in row:
            sum += room
    return sum

def allLongestStrings(inputArray):
    length = max([len(word) for word in inputArray])
    result = [word for word in inputArray if len(word) == length]
    return result
def commonCharacterCount(s1, s2):
    count = 0
    word2 = list(s2)
    for letter in s1:
        if letter in word2:
            count += 1
    return count

def isLucky(n):
    string = str(n)
    top = [int(x) for x in string[:len(string)//2]]
    bottom = [int(x) for x in string[len(string)//2:]]
    return sum(top) == sum(bottom)
def sortByHeight(a):
    treePositions = [x for x in range(len(a)) if a[x] == -1]
    people = sorted([x for x in a if x != -1])
    for tree in treePositions:
        people.insert(tree, -1)
    return people

import re
def reverseParentheses(s):
    while "(" in s:
        match ="\([^()]*\)", s)
        match_string =[1: len( - 1]
        reversed_match_string = match_string[::-1]
        s = s[:match.start()] + reversed_match_string + s[match.end():]
    return s

def alternatingSums(a):
    team1 = sum(a[0::2])
    team2 = sum(a[1::2])
    return [team1, team2]
def addBorder(picture):
    picture = ["*" + string + "*" for string in picture]
    picture = [("*" * len(picture[0]))] + picture + [("*" * len(picture[0]))]
    return picture

def areSimilar(a, b):
    diff = [i for i in range(len(a)) if a[i] != b[i]]
    if len(diff) == 2:
        b[diff[0]], b[diff[1]] = b[diff[1]], b[diff[0]]
    return a == b

def arrayChange(inputArray):
    count = 0
    for i in range(1, len(inputArray)):
        if inputArray[i-1] >= inputArray[i]:
            difference = inputArray[i-1] - inputArray[i]
            inputArray[i] += difference + 1
            count += difference + 1
    return count

def palindromeRearranging(inputString):
    inputList = sorted(inputString)
    foundMiddle = False
    while len(inputList) > 1:
        if inputList[0] == inputList[1]:
            del inputList[1]
        elif not foundMiddle:
            foundMiddle = True
            return False
        del inputList[0]
    return len(inputList) == 0 or not foundMiddle

def areEquallyStrong(yourLeft, yourRight, friendsLeft, friendsRight):
    sameHands = yourLeft == friendsLeft and yourRight == friendsRight
    differentHands = yourLeft == friendsRight and yourRight == friendsLeft
    return sameHands or differentHands

def arrayMaximalAdjacentDifference(inputArray):
    diffs = []
    for i in range(len(inputArray) - 1):
        diffs.append(abs(inputArray[i] - inputArray[i + 1]))
    return max(diffs)

def isIPv4Address(inputString):
    strings = [string for string in inputString.split('.')]
    for string in strings:
        if not string.isdecimal():
            return False
    nums = [int(num) for num in strings]
    return max(nums) <= 255 and min(nums) >= 0 and len(nums) == 4

def avoidObstacles(inputArray):
    for length in range(2, max(inputArray) + 2):
        done = True
        jump = length
        while jump < (max(inputArray) + length):
            if jump in inputArray:
                done = False
            jump += length
        if done:
            return length

def boxBlur(image):
    outImage = []
    for row in range(1, len(image) - 1):
        line = []
        for pixel in range(1, len(image[row]) - 1):
            total = (image[row - 1][pixel - 1]
                     + image[row - 1][pixel]
                     + image[row - 1][pixel + 1]
                     + image[row][pixel - 1]
                     + image[row][pixel]
                     + image[row][pixel + 1]
                     + image[row + 1][pixel - 1]
                     + image[row + 1][pixel]
                     + image[row + 1][pixel + 1])
            line.append(total // 9)
    return outImage

def minesweeper(matrix):
    TOP = 0
    BOTTOM = len(matrix) - 1
    LEFT = 0
    RIGHT = len(matrix[0]) - 1

    outMatrix = []
    for row in range(len(matrix)):
        outRow = []
        for cell in range(len(matrix[row])):
            if row != TOP:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row - 1][cell]
            if row != BOTTOM:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row + 1][cell]
            if cell != LEFT:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row][cell - 1]
            if cell != RIGHT:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row][cell + 1]
            if row != TOP and cell != LEFT:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row - 1][cell - 1]
            if row != TOP and cell != RIGHT:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row - 1][cell + 1]
            if row != BOTTOM and cell != LEFT:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row + 1][cell - 1]
            if row != BOTTOM and cell != RIGHT:
                outRow[cell] += matrix[row + 1][cell + 1]
    return outMatrix

def arrayReplace(inputArray, elemToReplace, substitutionElem):
    return [x if x != elemToReplace else substitutionElem for x in inputArray]

def evenDigitsOnly(n):
    return all((True if digit in ('0', '2', '4', '6', '8') else False for digit in str(n)))

def variableName(name):
    return name.replace("_", "").isalnum() and not name[0].isdigit()

def alphabeticShift(inputString):
    return ''.join([chr(ord(x) + 1) if x != 'z' else 'a' for x in inputString])

def chessBoardCellColor(cell1, cell2):
    color1 = ((ord(cell1[0]) - ord('A')) + ord(cell1[1]) - ord('1')) % 2 == 0
    color2 = ((ord(cell2[0]) - ord('A')) + ord(cell2[1]) - ord('1')) % 2 == 0
    return color1 == color2

def circleOfNumbers(n, firstNumber):
    return (firstNumber + (n / 2)) % n

def depositProfit(deposit, rate, threshold):
    year = 0
    while deposit < threshold:
        deposit *= 1 + (rate / 100)
        year += 1
    return year

def absoluteValuesSumMinimization(a):
    sums = {}
    for num in a:
        total = sum([abs(a[i] - num) for i in range(len(a))])
        if total in sums:
            sums[total] = min(num, sums[total])
            sums[total] = num
    return sums[min(sums)]

import itertools

def stringsRearrangement(inputArray):
    permutations = itertools.permutations(inputArray)
    for array in permutations:
        if testArrangement(array):
            return True
    return False

def testArrangement(array):
    for i in range(len(array) - 1):
        if sum([a != b for a, b in zip(array[i], array[i + 1])]) != 1:
            return False
    return True

def extractEachKth(inputArray, k):
    return [inputArray[x] for x in range(len(inputArray)) if (x + 1) % k != 0]

def firstDigit(inputString):
    for char in inputString:
        if char.isdigit():
            return char

def differentSymbolsNaive(s):
    return len(set(s))

def arrayMaxConsecutiveSum(inputArray, k):
    sums = [sum(inputArray[:k])]
    for i in range(1, len(inputArray) - k + 1):
        sums.append(sums[i - 1] - inputArray[i - 1] + inputArray[i + k - 1])
    return max(sums)

def growingPlant(upSpeed, downSpeed, desiredHeight):
    height = 0
    days = 1
    height += upSpeed
    while height < desiredHeight:
        days += 1
        height -= downSpeed
        height += upSpeed
    return days

def knapsackLight(value1, weight1, value2, weight2, maxW):
    if weight1 + weight2 <= maxW:
        return value1 + value2
    if weight1 <= maxW and (weight2 > maxW or value1 >= value2):
        return value1
    if weight2 <= maxW and (weight1 > maxW or value2 >= value1):
        return value2
    return 0

def longestDigitsPrefix(inputString):
    for char in range(len(inputString)):
        if not inputString[char].isdigit():
            return inputString[:char]
    return inputString

def digitDegree(n):
    degree = 0
    while len(str(n)) > 1:
        n = sum((int(digit) for digit in str(n)))
        degree += 1
    return degree

def bishopAndPawn(bishop, pawn):
    return abs(ord(bishop[0]) - ord(pawn[0])) == abs(ord(bishop[1]) - ord(pawn[1]))

def isBeautifulString(inputString):
    for letter in range(ord('a'), ord('z')):
        if inputString.count(chr(letter)) < inputString.count(chr(letter + 1)):
            return False
    return True

def findEmailDomain(address):
    return address[address.rfind('@') + 1:]

def buildPalindrome(st):
    if st == st[::-1]:  # Check for initial palindrome
        return st
    index = 0
    subStr = st[index:]
    while subStr != subStr[::-1]:  # while substring is not a palindrome
        index += 1
        subStr = st[index:]
    return st + st[index - 1::-1]

def electionsWinners(votes, k):
    winners = 0
    current_winner = max(votes)
    for candidate in votes:
        if k > 0 and candidate + k > current_winner:
            winners += 1
        if k == 0 and candidate == current_winner and votes.count(candidate) == 1:
            winners += 1
    return winners

def isMAC48Address(inputString):
    hex_chars = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0',
                 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
                 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')
    groups = inputString.split('-')
    if len(groups) != 6:
        return False
    if not all((len(group) == 2 for group in groups)):
        return False
    if not all((group[0] in hex_chars and group[1] in hex_chars for group in groups)):
        return False
    return True

def isDigit(symbol):
    return symbol.isdigit()

def lineEncoding(s):
    count = 1
    output = []
    for char in range(1, len(s)):
        if s[char] == s[char - 1]:
            count += 1
            if count > 1:
                output.append(str(count) + s[char - 1])
                output.append(s[char - 1])
            count = 1
    if s[len(s) - 1] == s[len(s) - 2]:
        output.append(str(count) + s[len(s) - 1])
        output.append(s[len(s) - 1])
    return ''.join(output)

def chessKnight(cell):
    moves = 0
    # Starting at the top left, going counter-clockwise
    if ord(cell[0]) >= ord("b") and ord(cell[1]) <= ord("6"):
        moves += 1
    if ord(cell[0]) >= ord("c") and ord(cell[1]) <= ord("7"):
        moves += 1
    if ord(cell[0]) >= ord("c") and ord(cell[1]) >= ord("2"):
        moves += 1
    if ord(cell[0]) >= ord("b") and ord(cell[1]) >= ord("3"):
        moves += 1
    if ord(cell[0]) <= ord("g") and ord(cell[1]) >= ord("3"):
        moves += 1
    if ord(cell[0]) <= ord("f") and ord(cell[1]) >= ord("2"):
        moves += 1
    if ord(cell[0]) <= ord("f") and ord(cell[1]) <= ord("7"):
        moves += 1
    if ord(cell[0]) <= ord("g") and ord(cell[1]) <= ord("6"):
        moves += 1

    return moves

def deleteDigit(n):
    num = str(n)
    highest = 0
    for digit in range(len(num)):
        output = num[:digit] + num[digit + 1:]
        if int(output) > int(highest):
            highest = output
    return int(highest)

def longestWord(text):
    longest = []
    word = []
    for char in text:
        if ord("A") <= ord(char) <= ord("Z") or ord("a") <= ord(char) <= ord("z"):
            if len(word) > len(longest):
                longest = word
            word = []
    if len(word) > len(longest):
        longest = word
    return "".join(longest)
def validTime(time):
    groups = time.split(":")
    if len(groups) != 2:
        return False
    if not (groups[0].isdigit() and groups[1].isdigit()):
        return False
    if int(groups[0]) > 23 or int(groups[1]) > 59:
        return False
    return True

def sumUpNumbers(inputString):
    total = 0
    current_num = []
    for char in inputString:
        if char.isdigit():
            if len(current_num) > 0:
                num = int("".join(current_num))
                total += num
                current_num = []
    if len(current_num) > 0:
        num = int("".join(current_num))
        total += num
    return total

def differentSquares(matrix):
    squares = set()
    for row in range(len(matrix) - 1):
        for cell in range(len(matrix[row]) - 1):
            square = ((matrix[row][cell], matrix[row][cell + 1]),
                      (matrix[row + 1][cell], matrix[row + 1][cell + 1]))
    return len(squares)

def digitsProduct(product):
    # New idea: add product to factors
    # while max(factors) > 10: split that num into factors
    if product == 0:
        return 10

    factors = [product]
    while max(factors) > 9:
        factored = findFactors(max(factors))
        if factored:
            return -1

    while factors.count(3) >= 2:

    while factors.count(2) > 2:

    while factors.count(2) > 1:

    while 2 in factors and 3 in factors:

    return int("".join(map(str, sorted(factors))))

def findFactors(n):
    for i in range(2, int(n ** 0.5) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
            return i, n // i
    return False

def fileNaming(names):
    outnames = []
    for name in names:
        if name in outnames:
            k = 1
            while "{}({})".format(name, k) in outnames:
                k += 1
            name = "{}({})".format(name, k)
    return outnames

def messageFromBinaryCode(code):
    output = []
    for i in range(0, len(code), 8):
        letter = chr(int(code[i:i + 8], 2))
    return ''.join(output)

def spiralNumbers(n):
    LEFT = 'left'
    RIGHT = 'right'
    UP = 'up'
    DOWN = 'down'
    direction = RIGHT
    spiral = [[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
    row = 0
    cell = 0
    for num in range(1, (n * n) + 1):
        spiral[row][cell] = num
        if direction == RIGHT:
            if cell != n - 1 and spiral[row][cell + 1] == 0:
                cell += 1
                direction = DOWN
                row += 1
        elif direction == DOWN:
            if row != n - 1 and spiral[row + 1][cell] == 0:
                row += 1
                direction = LEFT
                cell -= 1
        elif direction == LEFT:
            if cell != 0 and spiral[row][cell - 1] == 0:
                cell -= 1
                direction = UP
                row -= 1
        elif direction == UP:
            if row != 0 and spiral[row - 1][cell] == 0:
                row -= 1
                direction = RIGHT
                cell += 1
    return spiral


def sudoku(grid):
    match = [i for i in range(1, 10)]
    for row in grid:
        if sorted(row) != match:
            return False
    for column_index in range(9):
        column = [grid[row_index][column_index] for row_index in range(9)]
        if sorted(column) != match:
            return False
    for row in range(0, 9, 3):
        for column in range(0, 9, 3):
            box = []
            box.extend(grid[row][column:column + 3])
            box.extend(grid[row + 1][column:column + 3])
            box.extend(grid[row + 2][column:column + 3])
            if sorted(box) != match:
                return False
    return True

# def isAdult(age, majority):
#     return age >= majority

isAdult = lambda a, m: a >= m

def bishopAndPawn(bishop, pawn):
    if ord(bishop[0]) == ord(pawn[0]):
        return False
        bishop_elm = ord(bishop[0]) + int(bishop[1])
        pawn_elm = ord(pawn[0]) + int(pawn[1])
        return (bishop_elm + pawn_elm) % 2 == 0

"""Below we will define an n-interesting polygon. Your task is to find the area of a polygon for a given n.
A 1-interesting polygon is just a square with a side of length 1. An n-interesting polygon is obtained by taking the
(n - 1)-interesting polygon and appending 1-interesting polygons to its rim, side by side.
You can see the 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-interesting polygons in the picture below. (PICTURE PROVIDED AT:WWW.CODESIGNAL.COM)

- For n = 2, the output should be shapeArea(n) = 5;
- For n = 3, the output should be shapeArea(n) = 13."""

def shapeArea(n):
    # Case 1: If the polygon is 0-interesting, it has an area equal to zero.
    if n == 0:
        return None
    # Case 2: If the polygon is 1-interesting, it has an area equal to one.
    elif n == 1:
        return 1
    # Case 3: If the polygon is n-interesting, it has an area equal to the sum of the square of n
    # and the square of n-1. A way that I thought of it (based on the picture provided) is the following:
    # - n**2: Counted the number of the blue squares from the middle line upwards (INCLUDING the blue squares of the middle line).
    # - (n-1)**2: Counted the number of the blue squares from the middle line downwards (EXCLUDING the blue squares of the middle line).
    # Of course, you can easily check that the terms "upwards/downwards" could be inverted, without affecting the validity of your counting.
    elif n > 1:
        result = (n ** 2) + ((n - 1) ** 2)
        return result

"""Ratiorg got statues of different sizes as a present from CodeMaster for his birthday, each statue having an non-negative integer size.
Since he likes to make things perfect, he wants to arrange them from smallest to largest so that each statue will be bigger than the
previous one exactly by 1. He may need some additional statues to be able to accomplish that. Help him figure out the minimum number of
additional statues needed.

For statues = [6, 2, 3, 8], the output should be makeArrayConsecutive2(statues) = 3.
Ratiorg needs statues of sizes 4, 5 and 7."""

def makeArrayConsecutive2(statues):
    # Step 1: We begin by creating a new array called "stat_arr", which will accommodate the sorted version of the original "statues" array.
    stat_arr = sorted(statues)
    # Step 2: Furthermore, we use the first element of the sorted array as our index (that will be used in the following steps).
    i = stat_arr[0]
    # Step 3: We create an empty list called "result" to store our (numbered) missing statues.
    result = list()
    # Step 4: We initiate a while-loop with the condition that the index from Step 2 is not equal to the last (hence largest) entry of
    # the stat_arr. You must make sure that you add the "incrementation by 1" part to make the while loop proceed to the next element.
    while i != stat_arr[-1]:
        i += 1
        # Step 5: Here, using a simple if statement, we examine whether the i-th (integer) element is included in the stat_arr.
        # If it is not, we append it to the result list. Otherwise, the loop continues.
        if i not in stat_arr:
    # Step 6: Finally, we return the length/size of the result list, i.e. the number of our "missing" statues.
    return len(result)

a, b = eval(dir()[0])
return a + b

# 28
# return sum(eval(dir()[0]), [])

# 36
# return [x for l in eval(dir()[0]) for x in l]

# def twoArraysNthElement(array1, array2, n):
#     return sorted(array1 + array2)[n]
# 70

# twoArraysNthElement = lambda a, b, n: sorted(a + b)[n]
# 46

a, b, n = eval(dir()[0])
return sorted(a + b)[n]
# 40

n, d = eval(dir()[0])
while n % d < 1:
    n /= d
return n

# def divideAsLongAsPossible(n, d):
#     while n % d == 0:
#         n /= d
#     return n

class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.val = x
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class Solution:
    def bstFromPreorder(self, preorder):
        if not preorder:
            return None
        root = TreeNode(preorder[0])
        i = 1
        while i < len(preorder) and preorder[i] < root.val:
            i += 1
        root.left = self.bstFromPreorder(preorder[1:i])
        root.right = self.bstFromPreorder(preorder[i:])
        return root

preorder = [19, 4, 8, 11]
bst = Solution()

def isBeautifulString(inputString):
    counter = [inputString.count(i) for i in string.ascii_lowercase]
    return counter[::-1] == sorted(counter)

def boxBlur(image):
    def pixels(matrix, i, j):
        summ = 0
        for x in range(i - 1, i + 2):
            for y in range(j - 1, j + 2):
                summ += matrix[x][y]
                mean = summ // 9
        return mean

    output = []
    row = len(image)
    col = len(image[0])
    for i in range(1, row - 1):
        arr = []
        for j in range(1, col - 1):
            arr.append(pixels(image, i, j))
    return output

def chessBoardCellColor(cell1, cell2):
    cell1_elm = ord(cell1[0]) + int(cell1[1])
    cell2_elm = ord(cell2[0]) + int(cell2[1])
    return (cell1_elm + cell2_elm) % 2 == 0

def addBorder(picture):
    new_pic = []
    border = ""
    pic_len = len(picture)
    for i in range(0, len(picture[0]) + 2):
        border += "*"
    for i in range(0, pic_len):
        new_pic.append("*" + picture[i] + "*")
    return new_pic

sulkyBoy = lambda x: not x

import itertools as i

# *re.findall('...', 'abcdefghijklmno')
# >>> 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl', 'mno'

#  [0,0,"abc","def","ghi","jkl","mno","pqrs","tuv","wxyz"]
return [
    for s in i.product(
            "0 0 abc def ghi jkl mno pqrs tuv wxyz".split()[int(i)]
            for i in eval(dir()[0])[0]
    if s

def maxProfit(prices):
    i = 0
    max_profit = 0
    while i < len(prices) - 1:
        while i < len(prices) - 1 and prices[i] >= prices[i + 1]:
            i += 1
        min_pri = prices[i]
        while i < len(prices) - 1 and prices[i] <= prices[i + 1]:
            i += 1
        max_pri = prices[i]
        max_profit += max_pri - min_pri
    return max_profit

print(maxProfit([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]))

A, = numpy.r_[eval(dir()[0])]
A[A > 0] = sorted(A[A > 0])
return A

"""Some people are standing in a row in a park. There are trees between them which cannot be moved.
Your task is to rearrange the people by their heights in a non-descending order without moving the trees.
People can be very tall!

- For a = [-1, 150, 190, 170, -1, -1, 160, 180], the output should be sortByHeight(a) = [-1, 150, 160, 170, -1, -1, 180, 190]."""

def sortByHeight(a):
    # Step 1: We begin by creating a counter, starting from 0, that will be used in the subsequent for-loop.
    j = 0
    # Step 2: We also create a new array, called "a_sort", where we sort (in ascending order) all elements of the given array "a"
    # that are not "trees" (i.e. do not have a value of -1).
    a_sort = sorted([i for i in a if i != -1])
    # Step 3: By implementing a for-loop, we investigate all elements of the given array "a" (NOT a_sort!) and check:
    # if the element i in array "a" is equal to -1, the for-loop continues. Otherwise, the element i in array "a" should be
    # the same as element j in array "a_sort" (starting from 0 index, as defined in step 1).
    # You can think of it as working through elements of array "a", disregarding the "trees" (-1s) and sorting the rest
    # of the elements in ascending order (as in a_sort).
    for i in range(len(a)):
        if a[i] == -1:
            a[i] = a_sort[j]
            j += 1
    # Step 4: The final step is the return of the modified array "a".
    return a

def arrayChange(inputArray):
    first = inputArray[0]
    count = 0
    for i in inputArray[1:]:
        if i <= first:
            count += first - i + 1
            first = first + 1
            first = i
    return count

"""Given two strings, find the number of common characters between them.

For s1 = "aabcc" and s2 = "adcaa", the output should be commonCharacterCount(s1, s2) = 3.
Strings have 3 common characters - 2 "a"s and 1 "c"."""

def commonCharacterCount(s1, s2):
    # Step 1: We create two lists, namely s1_l and s2_l, where we store the characters of strings s1 and s2 respectively.
    s1_l = list(s1)
    s2_l = list(s2)
    # Step 2: We also create an empty list, where we are going to store all common characters.
    common = []
    # Step 3: Using a for-loop, we investigate the list of the first string, element by element.
    for i in s1_l:
        # Step 4: If the i-th element from the list of the first string is also present in the list of the second string,
        # we append it to the common array. BE CAREFUL: We must implement the s2_l.remove(i) to avoid double-counting.
        # I checked myself and I can assure you that you can substitute s1_l for s2_l and vice versa (in the for-loop,
        # the if statement and the double-counting term), without affecting the validity of your code.
        if i in s2_l:
    # Step 5: Finally, we return the length of the common list, to find the number of the common characters
    # between the two strings given.
    return len(common)

# def passwordCheck(s):
#    if any(i.isdigit() for i in s) and any(i.islower() for i in s) and any(i.isupper() for i in s) and len(s) >= 5:
#        return True
#    else:
#        return False

# passwordCheck = lambda s: (any(i.isdigit()) and any(i.islower()) and any(i.isupper())) for i in s and len(s) > 4

# Regex:

# def passwordCheck(s):
#    return len(s) > 4 and all(, s) for p in ('[A-Z]', '\d', '[a-z]'))

passwordCheck = lambda s: len(s) > 4 and all(, s) for i in ("[A-Z]", "\d", "[a-z]")

# def fractionComparison(a, b):
#     d = a[0] / a[1]
#     f = b[0] / b[1]
#     if d < f:
#         return "<"
#     elif d > f:
#         return ">"
#     else:
#         return "="

(a, b), (c, d) = eval(dir()[0])
r = (a * d) / (b * c)
return "<" if r < 1 else ">" if r > 1 else "="

# 72 chars

# Nique toi Sylvere

L, = eval(dir()[0])
s = 0

while len(L) > 1:
    L = (
        numpy.add(L[:-1:2], L[1::2])
        if s % 2 == 0
        else numpy.multiply(L[:-1:2], L[1::2])
    s += 1

return L[0]

L, = eval(dir()[0])
s = 0

while len(L) > 1:
    L = (
        numpy.add(L[:-1:2], L[1::2])
        if s % 2 == 0
        else numpy.multiply(L[:-1:2], L[1::2])
    s += 1

return L[0]

def addTwoDigits(n):
    return (n // 10) + (n % 10)
def largestNumber(n):
    return int("9" * n)

def candies(n, m):
    return (m // n) * n

def seatsInTheater(nCols, nRows, col, row):
    return (nCols - col + 1) * (nRows - row)

def maxMultiple(divisor, bound):
    for num in range(bound, 1, -1):
        if num % divisor == 0:
            return num
    return 0

def circleOfNumbers(n, firstNumber):
    return (firstNumber + (n // 2)) % n

def lateRide(n):
    hours = n // 60
    minutes = n % 60
    return (hours // 10) + (hours % 10) + (minutes // 10) + (minutes % 10)

def phoneCall(min1, min2_10, min11, s):
    if s < min1:
        return 0
    if s == min1:
        return 1
    if s <= min1 + (min2_10 * 9):
        s -= min1
        return (s // min2_10) + 1
    s -= min1
    s -= min2_10 * 9
    return (s // min11) + 10

def reachNextLevel(experience, threshold, reward):
    return experience + reward >= threshold

def knapsackLight(value1, weight1, value2, weight2, maxW):
    if weight1 + weight2 <= maxW:
        return value1 + value2
    if weight1 <= maxW and weight2 <= maxW:
        return max(value1, value2)
    if weight1 <= maxW:
        return value1
    if weight2 <= maxW:
        return value2
    return 0

def extraNumber(a, b, c):
    if a == b:
        return c
    if a == c:
        return b
    return a

def isInfiniteProcess(a, b):
    return a > b or (a % 2 != b % 2)

def arithmeticExpression(a, b, c):
    return a + b == c or a - b == c or a * b == c or a / b == c

def tennisSet(score1, score2):
    if max(score1, score2) == 6 and min(score1, score2) < 5:
        return True
    if 5 <= min(score1, score2) <= 6 and max(score1, score2) == 7:
        return True
    return False

def willYou(young, beautiful, loved):
    return (young and beautiful) != loved

def metroCard(lastNumberOfDays):
    if lastNumberOfDays == 30 or lastNumberOfDays == 28:
        return [31]
    return [28, 30, 31]

def killKthBit(n, k):
    return n & ~(2 ** (k - 1))

def arrayPacking(a):
    binary_array = [bin(num)[2:].rjust(8, '0') for num in a]
    out_string = ''.join(binary_array[::-1])
    return int(out_string, 2)

def rangeBitCount(a, b):
    array = list(range(a, b + 1))
    binary_array = [bin(num) for num in array]
    count_array = [binary.count('1') for binary in binary_array]
    return sum(count_array)

def mirrorBits(a):
    binary = bin(a)[2:]
    return int(binary[::-1], 2)

def secondRightmostZeroBit(n):
    return 2 ** bin(n)[::-1].find('0', bin(n)[::-1].find('0') + 1)

def swapAdjacentBits(n):
    return ((n >> 1) & 1431655765) | ((n << 1) & 2863311530)

def differentRightmostBit(n, m):
    return 2 ** bin((n ^ m))[::-1].find('1')

def equalPairOfBits(n, m):
    return 2 ** bin(~(n ^ m))[::-1].find('1')

def leastFactorial(n):
    factorial = 1
    index = 1
    while factorial < n:
        index += 1
        factorial *= index
    return factorial

def countSumOfTwoRepresentations2(n, l, r):
    count = 0
    a = max(n - r, l)
    b = n - a
    while a <= r and a <= b:
        count += 1
        a += 1
        b -= 1
    return count

def magicalWell(a, b, n):
    total = 0
    for i in range(n):
        total += a * b
        a += 1
        b += 1
    return total

def lineUp(commands):
    count = 0
    smart_student = 0
    dumb_student = 0
    for command in commands:
        if command == 'L':
            smart_student = (smart_student - 1) % 4
            dumb_student = (dumb_student + 1) % 4
        elif command == 'R':
            smart_student = (smart_student + 1) % 4
            dumb_student = (dumb_student - 1) % 4
        elif command == 'A':
            smart_student = (smart_student + 2) % 4
            dumb_student = (dumb_student + 2) % 4

        if smart_student == dumb_student:
            count += 1
    return count

def additionWithoutCarrying(param1, param2):
    # Convert numbers to strings
    str1 = str(param1)
    str2 = str(param2)
    # Pad both to the same length with zeroes (to the left of the numbers)
    length = max(len(str2), len(str1))
    str1 = str1.rjust(length, '0')
    str2 = str2.rjust(length, '0')
    output = []
    for num1, num2 in zip(str1, str2):
        result = str(int(num1) + int(num2))[-1]
    return int(''.join(output))

def appleBoxes(k):
    red = 0
    yellow = 0
    for i in range(1, k + 1, 2):
        yellow += i * i
    for i in range(2, k + 1, 2):
        red += i * i

    return red - yellow

def increaseNumberRoundness(n):
    string = str(n)
    # Check for immediate rejection
    if '0' not in string or len(string) < 2:
        return False
    # Since we know there's a 0, if it's not on
    # the left, then we know to accept
    if string[-1] != '0':
        return True
    # If there is only one 0, it must be at the end, so reject.
    if string.count('0') == 1:
        return False
    # If there are any numbers between the first 0
    # and the end of the string, then accept.
    first_zero = string.find('0')
    zero_sandwich = string[first_zero:]
    return zero_sandwich.count('0') != len(zero_sandwich)

def rounders(value):
    length = len(str(value))
    magnitude = length - 1
    for i in range(length - 1):
        value = int((value / 10) + 0.5)
    return value * (10 ** magnitude)

def candles(candlesNumber, makeNew):
    totalBurned = 0
    leftovers = 0
    while candlesNumber > 0:
        totalBurned += candlesNumber
        leftovers += candlesNumber
        candlesNumber = 0
        candlesNumber = leftovers // makeNew
        leftovers = leftovers % makeNew
    return totalBurned

def countBlackCells(n, m):
    gcd = find_gcd(n, m)
    line_cells = n + m - gcd
    line_corner_cells = (gcd - 1) * 2
    return line_cells + line_corner_cells

def find_gcd(a, b):
    while b != 0:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

def createArray(size):
    return [1] * size

def arrayReplace(inputArray, elemToReplace, substitutionElem):
    output = [elem if elem != elemToReplace else substitutionElem for elem in inputArray]
    return output
def firstReverseTry(arr):
    if len(arr) < 2:
        return arr
    if len(arr) < 4:
        return arr[::-1]
    return arr[-1:] + arr[1:-1] + arr[:1]

def concatenateArrays(a, b):
    return a + b

def removeArrayPart(inputArray, l, r):
    return inputArray[:l] + inputArray[r + 1:]

def isSmooth(arr):
    if arr[0] != arr[-1]:
        return False
    if len(arr) % 2 == 0:
        middle = arr[len(arr) // 2] + arr[(len(arr) // 2) - 1]
        middle = arr[len(arr) // 2]
    return arr[0] == middle
def replaceMiddle(arr):
    if len(arr) % 2 != 0:
        return arr
    right_middle = len(arr) // 2
    middle_value = arr[right_middle] + arr[right_middle - 1]
    return arr[:right_middle - 1] + [middle_value] + arr[right_middle + 1:]

def makeArrayConsecutive2(statues):
    count = 0
    for i in range(min(statues), max(statues)):
        if i not in statues:
            count += 1
    return count

def isPower(n):
    if n == 1:
        return True

    a = 2
    b = 2
    while a ** 2 <= n:
        while a ** b <= n:
            if a ** b == n:
                return True
            b += 1
        b = 2
        a += 1
    return False
def isSumOfConsecutive2(n):
    count = 0
    right = 2
    arr = [1, 2]
    while right <= (n // 2) + 1:
        total = sum(arr)
        if total == n:
            count += 1
            del arr[0]
        elif total < n:
            right += 1
        elif total > n:
            del arr[0]
    return count

def squareDigitsSequence(a0):
    sequence = [a0]
    while sequence[-1] not in sequence[:-1]:
        next_value = 0
        for digit in str(sequence[-1]):
            next_value += int(digit) ** 2
    return len(sequence)

def pagesNumberingWithInk(current, numberOfDigits):
    numberOfDigits -= len(str(current))
    next_digits = len(str(current + 1))
    while numberOfDigits >= next_digits:
        current += 1
        numberOfDigits -= next_digits
        next_digits = len(str(current))
    return current

def comfortableNumbers(l, r):
    count = 0
    for a in range(l, r):
        for b in range(a + 1, r + 1):
            a_sum = sum(int(digit) for digit in str(a))
            b_sum = sum(int(digit) for digit in str(b))
            if b <= a + a_sum and a >= b - b_sum:
                count += 1
    return count

def weakNumbers(n):
    all_factors = [count_factors(num) for num in range(1, n+1)]
    weaknesses = []
    for num, num_factors in enumerate(all_factors, 1):
        weakness = 0
        for factor in all_factors[:num]:
            if factor > num_factors:
                weakness += 1
    weakest = max(weaknesses)
    return [weakest, weaknesses.count(weakest)]

def count_factors(n):
    factors = 0
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        if n % i == 0:
            factors += 1
    return factors

import math

def rectangleRotation(a, b):
    n = a / (2 ** 0.5)
    m = b / (2 ** 0.5)
    points = (math.floor(n) * math.floor(m)) + (math.ceil(n) * math.ceil(m))
    if math.floor(n) % 2 != math.floor(m) % 2:
        points -= 1
    return points

# rectangleRotation(6, 4)

# def insertDashes(s):
#     return "-".join(s).replace("- -", " ")
# 55

# insertDashes = lambda s: "-".join(s).replace("- -", " ")
# 51

# return "-".join(*eval(dir()[0])).replace("- -", " ")
# 50

# return re.sub("- -", " ", "-".join(*eval(dir()[0])))
# 49

# insertDashes = lambda s: re.sub('\B', '-', s)
# 39

return re.sub("\B", "-", *eval(dir()[0]))
# 38

def digitDegree(n):
    degree = 0
    while 10 <= n:
        num = str(n)
        n = sum(int(i) for i in num)
        degree += 1
    return degree

def deleteDigit(n):
    num = str(n)
    result = list(int("".join(num[:i] + num[1 + i :])) for i in range(len(num)))
    return max(result)

def evenDigitsOnly(n):
    digits_of_n = []
    while n > 0:
        rem = n % 10
        n = int(n / 10)
    for i in range(len(digits_of_n)):
        if digits_of_n[i] % 2 != 0:
            return False
    return True

def longestDigitsPrefix(inputString):
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(inputString)):
        if inputString[i].isdigit():
            count += 1
            return inputString[0:count]
    return inputString

# def removeDuplicateStrings(a):
#     return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(a))
# 64

# removeDuplicateStrings = lambda a: list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(a))
# 60

return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(*eval(dir()[0])))
# 49

def extractEachKth(inputArray, k):
    inp = []
    for i in range(len(inputArray)):
        if (i + 1) % k == 0:
    return inp

"""Given an array of integers, find the pair of adjacent elements that has the largest product and return that product.

For inputArray = [3, 6, -2, -5, 7, 3], the output should be adjacentElementsProduct(inputArray) = 21.
7 and 3 produce the largest product."""

def adjacentElementsProduct(inputArray):
    # Step 1: Initially, define an empty array where we will store the products of adjacent elements from the input array.
    ArrayEnd = []
    # Step 2: Using a for-loop, we go over all entries of the input array, calculating the products of adjacent elements
    # and appending them to the empty array from step 1.
    for i in range(len(inputArray) - 1):
        ArrayEnd.append(inputArray[i] * inputArray[i + 1])
    # Step 3: We seek the largest entry in "ArrayEnd" from step 1, using the max() function.
    maximum = max(ArrayEnd)
    return maximum

"""After becoming famous, the CodeBots decided to move into a new building together.
Each of the rooms has a different cost, and some of them are free, but there's a rumour that all the free rooms are haunted!
Since the CodeBots are quite superstitious, they refuse to stay in any of the free rooms, or any of the rooms below any of the free rooms.

Given matrix, a rectangular matrix of integers, where each value represents the cost of the room, your task is to return
the total sum of all rooms that are suitable for the CodeBots (ie: add up all the values that don't appear below a 0).

matrix = [[0, 1, 1, 2],
          [0, 5, 0, 0],
          [2, 0, 3, 3]]
the output should be matrixElementsSum(matrix) = 9.

example 1: There are several haunted rooms, so we'll disregard them as well as any rooms beneath them.
Thus, the answer is 1 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 9. (PICTURE PROVIDED AT:WWW.CODESIGNAL.COM)

matrix = [[1, 1, 1, 0],
          [0, 5, 0, 1],
          [2, 1, 3, 10]]
the output should be matrixElementsSum(matrix) = 9.

example 2:
Note that the free room in the final column makes the full column unsuitable for bots (not just the room directly beneath it).
Thus, the answer is 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 9. (PICTURE PROVIDED AT:WWW.CODESIGNAL.COM)"""

def matrixElementsSum(matrix):
    # Step 1: We begin by defining the number of rows and columns inside our given matrix.
    # You can conceive the number of rows as the number of nested arrays inside the main array and
    # the number of columns as the number of elements in the first nested array.
    # Feel free to convince yourself that this is the case by referring to the examples of matrices shown above.
    rows = len(matrix)
    cols = len(matrix[0])
    # Step 2: Furthermore, create a new variable called "summ" (from summation) and set it equal to zero.
    # It will be used in the following for-loop.
    summ = 0
    # Step 3: Here we have an unusual for-inside-a-for loop (compared to the one that we usually observe when dealing with matrices).
    # As we are interested in the position of elements in columns (elements BELOW 0s), the outside for-loop works across all columns
    # whilst the nested for-loop works across all rows.
    for j in range(cols):
        for i in range(rows):
            # Step 4: If, while counting, the loop meets an element whose value is zero, the counting stops.
            # Otherwise, it continues counting, each time adding the value of the i-th / j-th element to the "summ" variable, defined in step 2.
            if matrix[i][j] == 0:
            summ += matrix[i][j]
    # Step 5: Therefore, we end up with the total sum of non-zero elements whose position in a column is not
    # below an element of value zero.
    return summ

def findEmailDomain(address):
    address_spl = address.split("@")
    c = [i for i in address_spl]
    if len(address_spl) == 2:
        return c[1]
    if len(address_spl) == 3:
        return c[2]

from itertools import groupby

def lineEncoding(s):
    s2 = ""
    for k, g in groupby(s):
        l = len(list(g))
        if l == 1:
            s2 += k
            s2 += str(l) + k
    return s2

def areEquallyStrong(yourLeft, yourRight, friendsLeft, friendsRight):
    personal_max = max(yourLeft, yourRight)
    friend_max = max(friendsLeft, friendsRight)
    sum1 = yourLeft + yourRight
    sum2 = friendsLeft + friendsRight
    if sum1 == sum2 and personal_max == friend_max:
        return True
    return False

import requests
import pandas as pd

def productExceptSelf(nums, m, first=True):
    # uses divide and conquer approach from Khan academy!
    # may need to upgrade with prime factorization
    # and fast modular exponents using binary!

    # make map of prime factors and their exponents (number of each factor)
    # by breaking down individual array items
    # remove individual values from map for each item in array (reduce number of each factor present in current item)
    # convert exponent to binary and get modular exponents for each factor (see here:
    # finally, combine all different prime factors for the number and add to array
    # reduce array by summing and final mod as shown
    if len(nums) == 1:
        return nums[0] % m
    if first:
        output = []
        j = len(nums)
        mid = (j - 1) // 2
        # left_mod = productExceptSelf(nums[0:mid], m, False)
        # right_mod = productExceptSelf(nums[mid:], m, False)
        for i in range(j):
            arr = nums[:]
            # print(arr)
            # if(i<mid):
            #     mult_val = right_mod
            # else:
            #     mult_val = left_mod
            output.append(productExceptSelf(arr, m, False))

        # print(output)
        return sum(output) % m

        mid = len(nums) // 2
        left = productExceptSelf(nums[0:mid], m, False)
        right = productExceptSelf(nums[mid:], m, False)
        return (left * right) % m

arr = pd.read_json("./test-16.json").loc["nums", "input"]

# print(arr)

print(productExceptSelf(arr, 9999, first=True))

# works for small cases, need to use divide and conquer according to Khan
# causes overflow issues
# #first, get the number of all nums multiplied
# largest_num = 1
# for num in nums:
#     largest_num*=num

# print(largest_num)

# #get the array of modulo m elements
# fg_arr = [(largest_num/num) % m for num in nums]

# print(fg_arr)
# total = sum(fg_arr) % m

# return total

# 52
# def triangleExistence(t):
#     t.sort()
#     return t[0] + t[1] > t[2]

# 46
# triangleExistence = lambda t: sum(t) - max(t) > max(t)

# 45
# t, = eval(dir()[0])
# t.sort()
# return t[0] + t[1] > t[2]

# 43
# t, = eval(dir()[0])
# return sum(t) - max(t) > max(t)

# 40
a, b, c = sorted(*eval(dir()[0]))
return a + b > c

def messageFromBinaryCode(code):
    phrase = ""
    bits = [int(code[i * 8 : i * 8 + 8], 2) for i in range(len(code) // 8)]
    for j in range(len(bits)):
        phrase += chr(bits[j])
    return phrase

Last updated