Industry Standard Algorithms

Is Subsequence:

def is_subsequence(s, t):
    :type s: str
    :type t: str
    :rtype: bool
    if len(s) > len(t):
        return False
    matched_s = 0
    for char in t:
        if matched_s < len(s) and s[matched_s] == char:
            matched_s += 1
    return matched_s == len(s)

Reverse String:

def reverse(lines):
    return "Reverse order: " + lines[::-1] + "\n" + "Normal Order: " + lines
print(reverse("I am printing a sentence in reverse order"))
print(reverse("printing strings in reverse order using python"))

Implement a function recursively to get the desired Fibonacci sequence value. Your code should have the same input/output as the iterative code in the instructions.

def get_fib(position):

    output = 0
        return output

        return position
        output += get_fib(position-1)+get_fib(position-2)
        return output

# Test cases
print get_fib(9)
print get_fib(11)
print get_fib(0)

Last updated