One of the potential "limits" to DNA size is that everything has to be copied whenever a cell divides, which takes both time and energy to do, so there is selective pressure to keep it relatively efficient. A second limiting factor is that the DNA copying machinery isn't 100% accurate, so you end up with errors whenever DNA is copied despite the presence of error-checking processes (better in some organisms than others). So the with longer DNA you also end with more potential for errors. Cancer is primarily caused by this buildup of errors (though it's also the basis of evolution)
mosdepth - Fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing.
Deep Genomics - AI-Powered Discovery Platform.
[DNA Microscopy: Optics-free Spatio-genetic Imaging by a Stand-Alone Chemical Reaction (2019)](https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30547-1)
seqviz - Framework agnostic DNA viewer for sequences or files (gb, fasta, etc) with auto-feature annotation.
STRBase - Short Tandem Repeat DNA Internet DataBase.
Sarek - Workflow designed to run analyses on whole genome or targeted sequencing data from regular samples or tumour / normal pairs and could include additional relapses.
CoverM - Aims to be a configurable, easy to use and fast DNA read coverage and relative abundance calculator focused on metagenomics applications.
Samtools org - Several groups working on formats and tools for next-generation sequencing.
Samtools tools - Tools (written in C using htslib) for manipulating next-generation sequencing data.
Precision of Tissue Patterning is Controlled by Dynamical Properties of Gene Regulatory Networks (2020) - How do precise boundaries of gene expression form in developing tissues? (Tweet)
PanglaoDB - Single Cell Sequencing Resource For Gene Expression Data.
SingleCellNet - Classify single cells across species and platforms.
CellNet - Network biology applied to stem cell engineering.
cube3d.dna - 3D engine implementation in DNA code. (Tweet)
clinker - Gene cluster comparison figure generator.
Codex DNA - Automated gene synthesis. DNA Printer.
Last updated