Ethereum is a virtual machine built on top of the blockchain that lets you create and run smart contracts that then run on the blockchain.
Dapp - Simple tool for creating Ethereum-based dapps.
ethereum-haskell - Independent reimplementation of Ethereum in Haskell.
evm-tools - Collection of tools for working with the evm.
Augur - Prediction market protocol owned and operated by the people that use it. (Code) (Augur Today)
Drizzle - Reactive Ethereum datastore for dapp UIs.
Urbit - Urbit virtual machine.
Prysm - Go implementation of the Ethereum Serenity protocol.
Compound Protocol - Ethereum smart contract for supplying or borrowing assets. (Code)
SputnikVM - Pure Rust implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine.
0x API - HTTP Interface to 0x liquidity and tooling.
Rainbow - Pocket robot for your internet money, powered by Ethereum.
Tools for dapps - Command-line-friendly tools for blockchain development. (Code)
Web3Modal - Single Web3 / Ethereum provider solution for all Wallets.
Lighthouse - Rust Ethereum 2.0 Client.
Mythril - Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API.
Humanity - Unique identity on Ethereum.
Erasure Protocol - Builds on the three primitives of an economic relationship: Track-Record, Payment, and Recourse. (Code)
Ganache - Personal blockchain for Ethereum development.
Echidna - Fast Smart Contract Fuzzer.
Slither - Solidity source analyzer.
Manticore - Symbolic execution tool.
Ethereum Name Service - Offers a secure & decentralised way to address resources both on and off the blockchain using simple, human-readable names.
teth - Toy Ethereum implementation.
Schlesi ETH 2.0 Testnet - Documenting Ethereum 2.0 multi-client testnet efforts.
rust-web3 - Ethereum JSON-RPC multi-transport client. Rust implementation of web3 library.
Ethereum Yellow Paper - Ethereum's formal specification. (PDF)
Dagger - Fastest & easiest way to get real-time updates from Ethereum Blockchain.
dagger.js - Simple library to connect with dagger server and manage subscriptions for Ethereum Blockchain.
Semaphore - Zero-knowledge gadget which allows users to prove their membership of a set without revealing their original identity.
Dark Forest - Fully-decentralized RTS built on ethereum with zk-SNARKs. (v0.3 summary) (Blog) (Code) (Announcement)
Solidity Template - To be used when building a new solidity project from scratch.
EthereumJS - Ethereum VM implemented in JavaScript.
Ethereum Developer Tools List - Guide to available tools and platforms for developing on Ethereum.
CryptoZombies - Solidity Tutorial & Ethereum Blockchain Programming Course.
yearn finance - Yield optimization for stable coins. (Yearn solidity smart contracts)
ethereum-cryptography - Every cryptographic primitive needed to work on Ethereum, for the browser and Node.
EVM Opcodes - Quick reference for EVM opcodes.
Lido - Liquid staking solution for Ethereum. (Introducing Lido)
Matter Labs - Unchaining Ethereum with Zero-Knowledge Proofs.
@eth-optimisim/smock - Utility package that can generate mock Solidity contracts (for testing).
Rosetta Ethereum - Ethereum Rosetta API Implementation. - Rust implementation of Alexey Akhunov's multiproof algorithm.
Notional Finance - Fixed rate lending and borrowing protocol on Ethereum. (Code)
Balancer - Non-custodial portfolio manager, liquidity provider, and price sensor. (Pool management) (GitHub)
Truffle Suite - Sweet Tools for Smart Contracts. (Docs)
beacon-fuzz - Differential Fuzzer for Ethereum 2.0.
Building Secure Smart Contracts - Guidelines and training material to write secure smart contracts.
Slither - Static Analyzer for Solidity.
Cryptovoxels - Ethereum Virtual World.
Slingshot - Next Generation Decentralized Trading. - Open Source Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain Explorer. (Code)
ZoKrates - Toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum.
Swarm - Decentralised storage and communication system for a sovereign digital society. (GitHub) (Ethereum Swarm Bee Client)
OpenEthereum - Fast and feature-rich multi-network Ethereum client.
Opyn Protection - Securing Decentralized Finance. Allows you to protect your DeFi deposits and hedge ETH risk.
Enclave EVM - Open-source, standalone, embeddable, C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Scribble - Solidity runtime verification tool for property based testing.
Radspec - Safe interpreter for dynamic expressions in Ethereum's NatSpec.
ethereum-dasm - Ethereum evm bytecode disassembler and static/dynamic analysis tool. - Complete Ethereum & Celo library and wallet implementation in Rust.
parsec - DeFi Pro Trading and Analytics.
Solidity Koans - Learn Ethereum Solidity programming through test driven development. (Code)
Mirror Protocol - Synthetics protocol for on-chain price exposure to real world assets. (GitHub)
Mirror App - Mirror Protocol App for web browsers. (Code)
swapr - Exploration on how to implement an automated token exchange modeled after Uniswap in Clarity for Stacks 2.0.
prettier-plugin-solidity - Prettier plugin for Solidity.
Truffle Flattener - Concats solidity files from Truffle and Buidler projects with all of their dependencies.
Ethereum ETL - Lets you convert blockchain data into convenient formats like CSVs and relational databases.
Gnosis Safe - Most trusted platform to store digital assets on Ethereum. (Code)
Eth Proof - Get a merkle-proof from the blockchain. Verify it locally.
Solidity Bytes Arrays Utils - Bytes tightly packed arrays utility library for ethereum contracts written in Solidity.
eth-crypto - Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity.
Solidity Patterns - Compilation of patterns and best practices for the smart contract programming language Solidity. (Web)
Frontier - Substrate's Ethereum compatibility layer. It allows you to run unmodified Ethereum dapps.
evmone - C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). - Collectively built hub for indexing scaling solutions for Ethereum. - Paint Ethereum, mint NFTs, earn as a creative coder.
ethabi - Encode and decode smart contract invocations.
Lunarity - Solidity parser in Rust.
Turbo-G - Fork of Go-Ethereum with focus on performance.
trin - Ethereum "portal": a json-rpc server with nearly instant sync, and low CPU & storage usage.
Last updated
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