
React Lifecycle

  1. describe the three phases of the REact Component Lifecycle

  2. properly explain what the constructor and render methods do and their place in the React Component Lifecycle

  3. use the componentDidMount lifecycle method to set a components state post render

lifecycle methods chart

Lifecycle Methods Chart

Pokemon project

  1. console.log constructor and render of App.js

  2. console.log render of function Pokemon component

  3. create componentDidMount and console.log it

  4. create componentDidUpdate and console.log it with logic for different parts of the state

Earthquake project

  1. just go through the Earthquake project and show class coponent and use of fetch to get data and update state

Build doggos project

  1. convert App from function component to class component

  2. create doggos state key in the class state object. it’s an array of image sources

  3. define componentDidMount and use fetch to grab data from teh dog ceo api

  4. flesh out application with other features as time permits

  5. allow people to specify dog breed for search

  6. allow people to toggle select of dog images

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