Yet another parser for command line options.
What is it?
COA is a parser for command line options that aim to get maximum profit from formalization your program API. Once you write definition in terms of commands, options and arguments you automaticaly get:
Command line help text
Program API for use COA-based programs as modules
Shell completion
Other features
Rich types for options and arguments, such as arrays, boolean flags and required
Commands can be async throught using promising (powered by Q)
Easy submoduling some existing commands to new top-level one
Combined validation and complex parsing of values
API reference
Command is a top level entity. Commands may have options and arguments.
Returns object containing all its subcommands as methods to use from other programs. @returns {Object}
Set a canonical command identifier to be used anywhere in the API.
@param String _name
command name
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Set a long description for command to be used anywhere in text messages.
@param String _title
command title
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Create new or add existing subcommand for current command.
@param COA.Cmd [cmd]
existing command instance
@returns COA.Cmd new or added subcommand instance
Create option for current command.
@returns COA.Opt new
option instance
Create argument for current command.
@returns COA.Opt new
argument instance
Add (or set) action for current command.
@param Function act
action function, invoked in the context of command instance and has the parameters:
- Object opts
parsed options
- Array args
parsed arguments
- Object res
actions result accumulator
It can return rejected promise by Cmd.reject (in case of error) or any other value treated as result.
@param {Boolean} [force=false] flag for set action instead add to existings
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Apply function with arguments in context of command instance.
@param Function fn
@param Array args
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Set custom additional completion for current command.
@param Function fn
completion generation function, invoked in the context of command instance. Accepts parameters:
- Object opts
completion options
It can return promise or any other value treated as result.
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Make command "helpful", i.e. add -h --help flags for print usage.
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Adds shell completion to command, adds "completion" subcommand, that makes all the magic.
Must be called only on root command.
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Build full usage text for current command instance.
@returns String usage
Parse arguments from simple format like NodeJS process.argv and run ahead current program, i.e. call process.exit when all actions done.
@param Array argv
@returns COA.Cmd this
instance (for chainability)
Invoke specified (or current) command using provided options and arguments.
@param String|Array cmds
subcommand to invoke (optional)
@param Object opts
command options (optional)
@param Object args
command arguments (optional)
@returns Q.Promise
Return reject of actions results promise.
Use in .act() for return with error.
@param Object reason
reject reason
You can customize toString() method and exitCode property of reason object.
@returns Q.promise rejected promise
Finish chain for current subcommand and return parent command instance.
@returns COA.Cmd parent
Option is a named entity. Options may have short and long keys for use from command line. @namespace @class Presents option
Set a canonical option identifier to be used anywhere in the API.
@param String _name
option name
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Set a long description for option to be used anywhere in text messages.
@param String _title
option title
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Set a short key for option to be used with one hyphen from command line.
@param String _short
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Set a short key for option to be used with double hyphens from command line.
@param String _long
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Make an option boolean, i.e. option without value.
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Makes an option accepts multiple values.
Otherwise, the value will be used by the latter passed.
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Makes an option req.
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Makes an option to act as a command, i.e. program will exit just after option action.
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Set a validation (or value) function for argument.
Value from command line passes through before becoming available from API.
Using for validation and convertion simple types to any values.
@param Function _val
validating function, invoked in the context of option instance and has one parameter with value from command line
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Set a default value for option. Default value passed through validation function as ordinary value.
@param Object _def
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Make option value inputting stream. It's add useful validation and shortcut for STDIN. @returns {COA.Opt} this
instance (for chainability)
Make option value outputing stream.
It's add useful validation and shortcut for STDOUT.
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Add action for current option command. This action is performed if the current option is present in parsed options (with any value).
@param Function act
action function, invoked in the context of command instance and has the parameters:
- Object opts
parsed options
- Array args
parsed arguments
- Object res
actions result accumulator
It can return rejected promise by Cmd.reject (in case of error) or any other value treated as result.
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Set custom additional completion for current option.
@param Function fn
completion generation function, invoked in the context of command instance. Accepts parameters:
- Object opts
completion options
It can return promise or any other value treated as result.
@returns COA.Opt this
instance (for chainability)
Finish chain for current option and return parent command instance.
@returns COA.Cmd parent
Argument is a unnamed entity. From command line arguments passed as list of unnamed values.
Set a canonical argument identifier to be used anywhere in text messages.
@param String _name
argument name
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Set a long description for argument to be used anywhere in text messages.
@param String _title
argument title
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Makes an argument accepts multiple values.
Otherwise, the value will be used by the latter passed.
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Makes an argument req.
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Set a validation (or value) function for argument.
Value from command line passes through before becoming available from API.
Using for validation and convertion simple types to any values.
@param Function _val
validating function, invoked in the context of argument instance and has one parameter with value from command line
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Set a default value for argument. Default value passed through validation function as ordinary value.
@param Object _def
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Make argument value outputing stream.
It's add useful validation and shortcut for STDOUT.
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Set custom additional completion for current argument.
@param Function fn
completion generation function, invoked in the context of command instance. Accepts parameters:
- Object opts
completion options
It can return promise or any other value treated as result.
@returns COA.Arg this
instance (for chainability)
Finish chain for current option and return parent command instance.
@returns COA.Cmd parent
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