{function} config.drawHorizontalLine property is a function that is called for every non-content row in the table. The result of the function {boolean} determines whether a row is drawn.
{number} config.columns[{number}].paddingLeft and {number} config.columns[{number}].paddingRight properties control content padding within a cell. Property value represents a number of whitespaces used to pad the content.
Streaming supports all of the configuration properties and functionality of a static table (such as auto text wrapping, alignment and padding), e.g.
import {
} from 'table';
import _ from 'lodash';
let config,
config = {
columnDefault: {
width: 50
columnCount: 3,
columns: {
0: {
width: 10,
alignment: 'right'
1: {
alignment: 'center',
2: {
width: 10
stream = createStream(config);
i = 0;
setInterval(() => {
let random;
random = _.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', _.random(1, 30)).join('');
stream.write([i++, new Date(), random]);
}, 500);
Text Truncation
To handle a content that overflows the container width, table package implements text wrapping. However, sometimes you may want to truncate content that is too long to be displayed in the table.
{number} config.columns[{number}].truncate property (default: Infinity) truncates the text at the specified length.
let config,
data = [
['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.']
config = {
columns: {
0: {
width: 20,
truncate: 100
output = table(data, config);
║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║
║ t amet, consectetur ║
║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║
║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║
║ sed mauris conva... ║
Text Wrapping
table package implements auto text wrapping, i.e. text that has width greater than the container width will be separated into multiple lines, e.g.
let config,
data = [
['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.']
config = {
columns: {
0: {
width: 20
output = table(data, config);
║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║
║ t amet, consectetur ║
║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║
║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║
║ sed mauris convallis ║
║ dapibus. Nunc venena ║
║ tis tempus nulla sit ║
║ amet viverra. ║
When wrapWord is true the text is broken at the nearest space or one of the special characters ("-", "_", "", "/", ".", ",", ";"), e.g.
let config,
data = [
['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.']
config = {
columns: {
0: {
width: 20,
wrapWord: true
output = table(data, config);
║ Lorem ipsum dolor ║
║ sit amet, ║
║ consectetur ║
║ adipiscing elit. ║
║ Phasellus pulvinar ║
║ nibh sed mauris ║
║ convallis dapibus. ║
║ Nunc venenatis ║
║ tempus nulla sit ║
║ amet viverra. ║
Demo of table displaying a list of missions to the Moon.