API Slices: React Hooks

API Slices: React Hooks

Hooks Overview

The core RTK Query createApi method is UI-agnostic, in the same way that the Redux core library and Redux Toolkit are UI-agnostic. They are all plain JS logic that can be used anywhere.

However, RTK Query also provides the ability to auto-generate React hooks for each of your endpoints. Since this specifically depends on React itself, RTK Query provides an alternate entry point that exposes a customized version of createApi that includes that functionality:

import { createApi } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'

If you have used the React-specific version of createApi, the generated Api slice structure will also contain a set of React hooks. The primary endpoint hooks are available as api.endpoints[endpointName].useQuery or api.endpoints[endpointName].useMutation, matching how you defined that endpoint.

The same hooks are also added to the Api object itself, and given auto-generated names based on the endpoint name and query/mutation type.

For example, if you had endpoints for getPosts and updatePost, these options would be available:

// Hooks attached to the endpoint definition
const { data } = api.endpoints.getPosts.useQuery()
const [updatePost, { data }] = api.endpoints.updatePost.useMutation()

// Same hooks, but given unique names and attached to the API slice object
const { data } = api.useGetPostsQuery()
const [updatePost, { data }] = api.useUpdatePostMutation()

The general format is use(Endpointname)(Query|Mutation) - use is prefixed, the first letter of your endpoint name is capitalized, then Query or Mutation is appended depending on the type.

The full list of hooks generated in the React-specific version of createApi is as follows:

For the example above, the full set of generated hooks for the api would be like so:

/* Hooks attached to the `getPosts` query endpoint definition */
const { data } = api.endpoints.getPosts.useQuery(arg, options)
const post = api.endpoints.getPosts.useQueryState(arg, options)
const { refetch } = api.endpoints.getPosts.useQuerySubscription(arg, options)
const [getPosts, { data }, { lastArg }] = api.endpoints.getPosts.useLazyQuery(
const [getPosts, lastArg] = api.endpoints.getPosts.useLazyQuerySubscription(

/* Hooks attached to the `updatePost` mutation endpoint definition */
const [updatePost, { data }] = api.endpoints.updatePost.useMutation(options)

/* Hooks attached to the `Api` object */
// same as api.endpoints.getPosts.useQuery
const { data } = api.useGetPostsQuery(arg, options)
// same as api.endpoints.getPosts.useLazyQuery
const [getPosts, { data }, { lastArg }] = api.useLazyGetPostsQuery(options)
// same as api.endpoints.updatePost.useMutation
const [updatePost, { data }] = api.useUpdatePostMutation(options)
const fetchData = api.usePrefetch(endpointName, options)

Feature Comparison

The provided hooks have a degree of feature overlap in order to provide options optimized for a given situation. The table below provides a comparison of the core features for each hook.

Automatically triggers query requests



Allows manually triggering query requests






Allows manually triggering mutation requests


Subscribes a component to keep cached data in the store






Returns request status and cached data from the store





Re-renders as request status and data become available





Accepts polling/re-fetching options to trigger automatic re-fetches







type UseQuery = (
  arg: any | SkipToken,
  options?: UseQueryOptions
) => UseQueryResult

type UseQueryOptions = {
  pollingInterval?: number
  refetchOnReconnect?: boolean
  refetchOnFocus?: boolean
  skip?: boolean
  refetchOnMountOrArgChange?: boolean | number
  selectFromResult?: QueryStateSelector

type UseQueryResult<T> = {
  // Base query state
  originalArgs?: unknown // Arguments passed to the query
  data?: T // Returned result if present
  error?: unknown // Error result if present
  requestId?: string // A string generated by RTK Query
  endpointName?: string // The name of the given endpoint for the query
  startedTimeStamp?: number // Timestamp for when the query was initiated
  fulfilledTimeStamp?: number // Timestamp for when the query was completed

  // Derived request status booleans
  isUninitialized: boolean // Query has not started yet.
  isLoading: boolean // Query is currently loading for the first time. No data yet.
  isFetching: boolean // Query is currently fetching, but might have data from an earlier request.
  isSuccess: boolean // Query has data from a successful load.
  isError: boolean // Query is currently in an "error" state.

  refetch: () => void // A function to force refetch the query
  • Parameters

    • arg: The query argument to be used in constructing the query itself, and as a cache key for the query. You can also pass in skipToken here as an alternative way of skipping the query, see skipToken

    • options: A set of options that control the fetching behavior of the hook

  • Returns

    • A query result object containing the current loading state, the actual data or error returned from the API call, metadata about the request, and a function to refetch the data. Can be customized with selectFromResult





See also Skipping queries with TypeScript using skipToken



type UseMutation = (
  options?: UseMutationStateOptions
) => [UseMutationTrigger, UseMutationResult | SelectedUseMutationResult]

type UseMutationStateOptions = {
  // A method to determine the contents of `UseMutationResult`
  selectFromResult?: (state, defaultMutationStateSelector) => SelectedUseMutationResult extends Record<string, any>

type UseMutationTrigger<T> = (
  arg: any
) => Promise<{ data: T } | { error: BaseQueryError | SerializedError }> & {
  requestId: string // A string generated by RTK Query
  abort: () => void // A method to cancel the mutation promise
  unwrap: () => Promise<T> // A method to unwrap the mutation call and provide the raw response/error
  unsubscribe: () => void // A method to manually unsubscribe from the mutation call

type UseMutationResult<T> = {
  // Base query state
  originalArgs?: unknown // Arguments passed to the latest mutation call
  data?: T // Returned result if present
  error?: unknown // Error result if present
  endpointName?: string // The name of the given endpoint for the mutation
  fulfilledTimestamp?: number // Timestamp for when the mutation was completed

  // Derived request status booleans
  isUninitialized: boolean // Mutation has not been fired yet
  isLoading: boolean // Mutation has been fired and is awaiting a response
  isSuccess: boolean // Mutation has data from a successful call
  isError: boolean // Mutation is currently in an "error" state
  startedTimeStamp?: number // Timestamp for when the latest mutation was initiated


The generated UseMutation hook will cause a component to re-render by default after the trigger callback is fired, as it affects the properties of the result. If you want to call the trigger but don't care about subscribing to the result with the hook, you can use the selectFromResult option to limit the properties that the hook cares about.

Returning a completely empty object will mean that any individual mutation call will cause only one re-render at most, e.g.

selectFromResult: () => ({})


  • Parameters

    • options: A set of options that control the subscription behavior of the hook

  • Returns: A tuple containing:

    • trigger: A function that triggers an update to the data based on the provided argument. The trigger function returns a promise with the properties shown above that may be used to handle the behavior of the promise

    • mutationState: A query status object containing the current loading state and metadata about the request, or the values returned by the selectFromResult option where applicable





type UseQueryState = (
  arg: any | SkipToken,
  options?: UseQueryStateOptions
) => UseQueryStateResult | SelectedQueryStateResult

type UseQueryStateOptions = {
  skip?: boolean
  selectFromResult?: (
  ) => SelectedQueryStateResult

type UseQueryStateResult<T> = {
  // Base query state
  originalArgs?: unknown // Arguments passed to the query
  data?: T // Returned result if present
  error?: unknown // Error result if present
  requestId?: string // A string generated by RTK Query
  endpointName?: string // The name of the given endpoint for the query
  startedTimeStamp?: number // Timestamp for when the query was initiated
  fulfilledTimeStamp?: number // Timestamp for when the query was completed

  isUninitialized: false // Query has not started yet.
  isLoading: false // Query is currently loading for the first time. No data yet.
  isFetching: false // Query is currently fetching, but might have data from an earlier request.
  isSuccess: false // Query has data from a successful load.
  isError: false // Query is currently in an "error" state.
  • Parameters

    • arg: The argument passed to the query defined in the endpoint. You can also pass in skipToken here as an alternative way of skipping the selection, see skipToken

    • options: A set of options that control the return value for the hook

  • Returns

    • A query result object containing the current loading state, the actual data or error returned from the API call and metadata about the request. Can be customized with selectFromResult





type UseQuerySubscription = (
  arg: any | SkipToken,
  options?: UseQuerySubscriptionOptions
) => UseQuerySubscriptionResult

type UseQuerySubscriptionOptions = {
  skip?: boolean
  refetchOnMountOrArgChange?: boolean | number
  pollingInterval?: number
  refetchOnReconnect?: boolean
  refetchOnFocus?: boolean

type UseQuerySubscriptionResult = {
  refetch: () => void // A function to force refetch the query
  • Parameters

    • arg: The argument passed to the query defined in the endpoint. You can also pass in skipToken here as an alternative way of skipping the query, see skipToken

    • options: A set of options that control the fetching behaviour of the hook

  • Returns

    • An object containing a function to refetch the data





type UseLazyQuery = (
  options?: UseLazyQueryOptions
) => [UseLazyQueryTrigger, UseQueryStateResult, UseLazyQueryLastPromiseInfo]

type UseLazyQueryOptions = {
  pollingInterval?: number
  refetchOnReconnect?: boolean
  refetchOnFocus?: boolean
  selectFromResult?: (
  ) => UseQueryStateResult

type UseLazyQueryTrigger = (arg: any) => void

type UseQueryStateResult<T> = {
  // Base query state
  originalArgs?: unknown // Arguments passed to the query
  data?: T // Returned result if present
  error?: unknown // Error result if present
  requestId?: string // A string generated by RTK Query
  endpointName?: string // The name of the given endpoint for the query
  startedTimeStamp?: number // Timestamp for when the query was initiated
  fulfilledTimeStamp?: number // Timestamp for when the query was completed

  isUninitialized: false // Query has not started yet.
  isLoading: false // Query is currently loading for the first time. No data yet.
  isFetching: false // Query is currently fetching, but might have data from an earlier request.
  isSuccess: false // Query has data from a successful load.
  isError: false // Query is currently in an "error" state.

type UseLazyQueryLastPromiseInfo = {
  lastArg: any
  • Parameters

    • options: A set of options that control the fetching behavior and returned result value of the hook. Options affecting fetching behavior will only have an effect after the lazy query has been triggered at least once.

  • Returns: A tuple containing:

    • trigger: A function that fetches the corresponding data for the endpoint when called

    • result: A query result object containing the current loading state, the actual data or error returned from the API call and metadata about the request. Can be customized with selectFromResult

    • lastPromiseInfo: An object containing the last argument used to call the trigger function





type UseLazyQuerySubscription = (
  options?: UseLazyQuerySubscriptionOptions
) => [UseLazyQuerySubscriptionTrigger, LastArg]

type UseLazyQuerySubscriptionOptions = {
  pollingInterval?: number
  refetchOnReconnect?: boolean
  refetchOnFocus?: boolean

type UseLazyQuerySubscriptionTrigger = (arg: any) => void
  • Parameters

    • options: A set of options that control the fetching behavior of the hook. The options will only have an effect after the lazy query has been triggered at least once.

  • Returns: A tuple containing:

    • trigger: A function that fetches the corresponding data for the endpoint when called

    • lastArg: The last argument used to call the trigger function





type UsePrefetch = (
  endpointName: string,
  options?: UsePrefetchOptions
) => PrefetchCallback

type UsePrefetchOptions =
  | {
      // If specified, only runs the query if the difference between `new Date()` and the last
      // `fulfilledTimeStamp` is greater than the given value (in seconds)
      ifOlderThan?: false | number
  | {
      // If `force: true`, it will ignore the `ifOlderThan` value if it is set and the query
      // will be run even if it exists in the cache.
      force?: boolean

type PrefetchCallback = (arg: any, options?: UsePrefetchOptions) => void
  • Parameters

    • endpointName: The name of the endpoint to prefetch data for

    • options: A set of options that control whether the prefetch request should occur

  • Returns

    • A prefetch callback that when called, will initiate fetching the data for the provided endpoint


A React hook which can be used to initiate fetching data ahead of time.


  • Manual control over firing a request to retrieve data

Last updated

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