PostCSS Normalize uses a non-opinionated version of normalize.css, but an opinionated version may also be used.
Here is a sample of what normalize.css looks like when the browserslist is ie >= 9:
/** * Add the correct display in IE 9-. */audio,video {display:inline-block;}/** * Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-. */img {border-style:none;}
And here is the same sample when the browserslist is ie >= 10:
/** * Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-. */img {border-style:none;}
PostCSS Normalize runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:
PostCSS Import Usage
PostCSS Normalize includes a postcssImport function to configure PostCSS Import and allow you to continue using the @import syntax.
constpostcss=require('postcss')constpostcssImport=require('postcss-import')constpostcssNormalize=require('postcss-normalize')postcss([postcssImport(postcssNormalize(/* pluginOptions (for PostCSS Normalize) */ ).postcssImport(/* pluginOptions (for PostCSS Import) */ ) )]) // now you can use @import "normalize.css", etc. again
Alternatively, use @import-normalize or @import-sanitize to avoid conflicts with @import transforms.
@import-normalize "opinionated.css";
The allowDuplicates option determines whether multiple, duplicate insertions of CSS libraries are allowed. By default, duplicate libraries are omitted.
postcssNormalize({ allowDuplicates:true })
The forceImport option defines CSS libraries that will be inserted at the beginning of the CSS file. Unless overriden by allowDuplicates, duplicate CSS libraries would still be omitted.
postcssNormalize({ forceImport:true })
Specific CSS libraries may be defined.
postcssNormalize({ forceImport:'sanitize.css'})
The browsers option defines an override of the project’s browserslist for PostCSS Normalize. This option should be avoided in leui of a browserslist file.
postcssNormalize({ browsers:'last 2 versions' })
CSS Libraries
PostCSS Normalize can include normalize.css or sanitize.css and configure either with the following combinations: